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Dedicated to Purple_Deeza

“Hey Benson, it’s Lauraine.”

Ace looked at me, mouthing the question ‘Who is it?’

“It’s Lauraine Michael, Ace. Stop being a raccoon.” I rolled my eyes at Ace and his undying curiosity.

“Well, what does she want?” Ace asked, scooting closer to me to eavesdrop on the conversation.

“I’ll put it on speaker!” I pushed Ace’s face from my phone.

“Hello? Benson, are you there?”

I and Ace regained our composure and replied, well it was only me that replied but we were both listening.

“Yes, yes, I’m here Lauraine, what’s up?” I asked, all cool like Kristian Stewart.

“Look, I know you’re wondering why I tried to kill you and all. I know there’s no explanation for my attitude but I just thought you deserved an explanation with your apology.”

If this was Lauraine’s apology, she was doing a horrible job at it, and in all honesty, I really didn’t care why she tried to kill me, I just wanted to stay far away from her for as long as possible. Ace figured it out because he was whispering violently in my ears.

“Just hear her out dork!” Ace whispered very violently.

“Jesus Christ! I will, just don’t remove my freaking ears!” I whispered back, pulling my head away from Ace’s mouth.

“Yeah, sure Lauraine. Explain away.”

“I heard a rumor Benson, and it wasn’t good.”

Seven hours later, I had received an explanation and a cheap apology from Lauraine, been discharged by my doctor and I had decided to spend the rest of the day at Ace’s house because my mom would be home and would wonder why I was coming home three hours before I normally did and why I had a bandage on my head.

“C’mon B! You can walk. Stop being a vegetable.” Ace said, trying to make me stand on my feet while pushing me off his shoulder and onto his car.

I didn’t want to walk, I wanted to be carried around and Ace was just being a jerk about carrying his best friend who had almost died a few hours ago. Honestly, I was starting to think that all the drama he pulled at the hospital was fake. I flicked his forehead when he let go of me.

“You know, for someone who almost lost me, you seem pretty okay letting me suffer,” I said, leaning on the hood of Ace’s car.

“B, you can walk. I can’t be going around carrying a fully grown man who can walk on his own two feet.” Ace didn’t look in my direction. He was fumbling through his keychain, trying to get out his house keys.

“I don’t see the problem with that. And besides, you heard the doctor. He said I need all the rest I can get.” I whined, crossing my arms over my chest.

Ace stopped trying to unlock the door and finally turned his gaze to me. “The doctor said you need rest; he didn’t say you couldn’t walk on your feet.” Ace smiled, coming closer to me.

“What are you doing?! Stay away from me, Ace Wright!” I hobbled away from Ace as fast as the pain in my head would let me.

“I thought you wanted to carry you, my love!” Ace teased, chasing after me slowly.

Ace was enjoying this. The glint in his eyes and the way he laughed, bending over and holding on to his stomach. The jerk was having fun torturing me!

“I swear Ace, if you don’t let me be, I’m going to file some serious charges!” I hobbled a bit faster, moving round the black sports car, and away from Ace.

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