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“Lauraine Michael, you almost killed the boy and you’re telling me that it was just some minor disagreement? Hell, if anything, it was a MAJOR disagreement! What if he had died?!” Heather screamed at me, she rushed over as soon as I called her and told her there was an emergency and obviously, she dragged Jane along.

“Well, he isn’t dead, so that’s a good thing, isn’t it?” I said with an indifferent tone, throwing my handbag on my bed and dropping onto the soft mattress. 

“What I want to know is why you slammed the poor boy’s head on the ground. What could he have done to you to deserve that? Even for you Lauraine Michael, that is evil!” Heather paced from one end of my bed frame to the other, she was pulling at her hair with one hand and lifting her handbag like weights with the other hand. She was worried.

“Why did you treat him like that Lara? What really happened?” Jane asked. She had gotten off the bed to calm Heather, literally pulling Heather to sit on the end of my bed and taking her hands from her hair before she yanked it all out.

I took a deep breath and exhaled before sitting up to have a decent conversation with my friends.

“I heard a rumor.” I said in a quick breath and Heather nearly strangled me.

“You heard a rumor and that’s enough reason for you to get some time in jail?!” Heather was doing her best to reach for my neck with Jane holding her down.

I moved away from Heather, sitting in a corner at the head of my bed, away from Heather’s destructive hands while Jane was having no problem holding Heather down. It was like she wasn’t trying at all; the gym was working out for Jane but that was a topic for another day.

“Let the girl finish speaking Heather, it wouldn’t help if she ends up in juvie and you kill her and end up in juvie too, we won’t get the whole story with you overreacting like this." Jane said, holding Heather down firmly.

“You’re right, let’s let her finish speaking, then I would kill her!”. Heather yelled at me, throwing death glares in my direction.

“Whatever, just let her finish. Continue talking Lara.” Jane said.

“As I said, I heard a rumor…”

“I’m sorry but what rumor would make you almost kill someone?!” Heather said in a frustrated tone, massaging her temple with the palms of her hands.

“If you would let her speak, we would find out H, just calm down.” Jane placed a palm on Heather’s lap. 

“Okay, okay, I’m calm.” Heather let out a deep breath and settled down in a chair further away from me. I think she was keeping enough distance so when the urge to kill me came, there was enough space between the two of us for Jane to step in and stop her from doing something she would regret.

“Thank you, Jane. Like I was saying, I heard a rumor that Benson was telling everyone he had scored a freebie with me and that I was so desperate to get down with him.” I looked at Heather, she didn’t have any readable expression on her face, which was bad news. Jane was piecing the facts together because I had told them about my attempt to ‘bribe’ Benson on my first encounter with him.

“And who did you hear this rumor from?” Jane asked.

“Reynold Addams.” I said and that was Heather’s breaking point.

“You heard a rumor about yourself from Reynold Addams! The boy who has wanted to do vile crimes to you since we began high school and you believed it? Acted on it and almost killed someone because of it?! You almost killed that boy and why? Because of Reynold Addams!” Heather got up from the chair and started pacing the room again.

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