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My phone rang and I looked down to see who had sent me a message. It was Heather; she had sent a message to our group chat.

So, are we showing our faces at school tomorrow or are we going into exile till everything dies down?" -  From H♥️

"Nobody is going into exile and we don't have a choice unless you both have good excuses for your parents as to why you aren't going to school? " - From Jane🌝💙

"Jane, you forget that some of our parents don't care if we go to school or not, they just want us to have good grades and not disappoint them." - From H.♥️

"Dad would eventually notice that I've been staying at home too much and he would start to ask questions." - From You.

"Heather, we all know you won't skip school without a good reason so your opinion is invalid." -  From Jane🌝💙

"Have you ever heard of leaving the house, Lara? And fuck you, Jane, I'll skip school on my terms, thank you." - From H♥️

"As much as this isn't easy for me to say, Heather is right. You don't have to stay at home and you don't have to go to school when you leave the house, Lara." - From Jane. 🌝💙

"You're right, H. But I wouldn't last a day with all the guilt and lies eating away at my soul." - From You.

"Thank you, Jane. Wait, what do you mean by that it wasn't easy for you to say?! You bitch!" - From H♥️

"Guilt and lies? Lauraine Michael, you've done worse things in your life and I don't remember you growing a conscience later on." -  From Jane🌝💙

"Jane, people change, I could have changed." - From You.

"Heather, we both know you're rarely right." - From Jane🌝💙

"Ouch, brutal much, Jane." - From You.

"Sure you've changed, Lara. Changed into a psycho head basher." - From H♥️

"Jane, shut up. You're just a bad friend." - From H♥️

"Way to bring up my past, H. Ever heard of letting sleeping dogs lie?" -  From You.

"Speaking of head bashing, how is Benson? Is the boy alive?" - From Jane🌝💙

"JANE!" - From You.

"JANE RUBY!" - From H♥️

"Why in heaven's name are you both shouting? I just asked a simple question." - From Jane🌝💙

"She does have a point, Lara. How is Benson?" -  From H♥️

"He's alright. I called him and apologized to him. He told me he was getting discharged yesterday. I doubt he'll be in school for a while though." -  From You.

"Well, at least you won't be going to juvie for the murder of an innocent boy." - From Jane.🌝💙

"You're only worried about her going to juvie? At least we don't have to hide a murder case and a dead body from the police. Heaven knows what they do to prominent people who kill." -  From H♥️

"Heather, your mom would just have the case erased. We know what happens when prominent people kill people. You don't have to tell us." - From Jane🌝💙

"Jane's right." -  From You.

"Can you lot stop reminding me that I am from a very affluent and prominent home." - From H♥️

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