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Dedicated to Eden and my music and soon-to-be album, The Muses.


The thing about Lauraine Michael is that she is a dramatic son of a bitch. Lara walked up to Benson, said hi, dipped her hand into her handbag and fumbled for her phone. Once she found it, that was when the problem started. We had agreed on an honest, heartfelt apology but Lauraine Michael wanted to make her own script. She placed her phone on the table between her and Benson and Forgive Me Father by DJ Khaled filled the room. Talk about dramatic.

Benson raised his brows in confusion once he heard the music, we were all confused then it hit us, this was Lara's version of a heartfelt apology, a very weird heartfelt apology. Benson let the music run, Lara knelt, lip-syncing the entire song with an energetic hand performance. She was dramatic but damn, she was very a good mime.

"Well, do I get your forgiveness? Because this sound is on loop and it would start again in the next ten seconds." Lara asked, breathing heavily after each word.

"Nope, there's not gonna be a part two of whatever that was." Heather smiled, clearly embarrassed and snatched Lara's phone from the table, ending the song before it started again.

We stood there in silence, the three popular girls all waiting for the judgement of a nerd we never knew existed. Everything was in Benson's hands and o felt that Lauraine Michael had blown the best chance we had at convincing this boy to not press charges and sue all of us.

But Benson wasn't going to press charges, he burst out laughing instead. It started with a smile, his eyes brightened, his lips slowly crawled to the ends of his face and a little vibrating sound came from his throat, like a brand new engine coming to life, then he put his hand over his mouth to stop it but that couldn't control how he felt, then he let it rip, a treble voice echoing with laughter.

Lara smiled, she seemed happy with her performance, and she was proud of herself for destroying our chance to avoid a court case.

"Why are you smiling, Lauraine Michael? This boy might take us to court and your first instinct is a fucking smile?" Heather said with clenched teeth, holding her Birkin closer to her chest. To Heather, wealth solved all your problems. It was no wonder she had a couple thousand-dollar bag close to her chest.

"I have to give it to you, that was one hell of a performance." Benson smiled, applauding Lara's little act.

Lara smiled. "Why thank you, Benson Scott. I put all of my heart into it." Lara took a low bow.

The nerd laughed. "I could tell." He stretched a hand towards Lara and pulled out the seat beside him for her.

Lara curtseyed, took Benson's outstretched arm and sat gently beside him. The nerd took off his blue beanie and there was a bandage around his head, keeping his brown locks in place and giving us a more defined view of his face and he looked, he looked like some sort of lost puppy, like those golden retriever boys.

"Wow. I didn't know it was that bad." Lara gasped, gently running her fingers across the bandage and Benson winced a little, recoiling from her touch. "Sorry!" Lara withdrew her fingers quickly.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt that much though. Kind of like a gentle thumping. The beanie helps take away all the attention and pity I would have gotten. I've never been a pity party person." The nerd turned a tint of pink, the nerd was blushing!

Lara pulled a strand of Benson's hair back, which was completely unnecessary because the bandage was doing a good enough job at keeping them out of his face. "I've never really liked attention." Lara lied. She wasn't an attention monger like Heather but Lara lived for the applause, like Gaga would say.

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