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To ibby_gal for filling my pages with love and comments.💙💙💙

George had fixed my attitude as soon as he arrived and Grace was beyond delighted. She thanked George and slid him some green before he left, then she had me sit with her in the living room and watch her favorite series; The walking dead on FOX. I sat there beside Grace and wondered how someone saw such a vile and disturbing show even slightly interesting.

Grace was so focused on her show, she didn't notice my disturbing glares, she was conversing with the actors, chipping in useful ideas when they were strategizing and telling them what other characters they couldn't see had done; like they were paying her any attention or could even hear her advice and help.

After about thirty minutes of watching this disturbing series, I began to wonder if Grace would survive if she were in this series and how satisfying it would be to see those undead creatures eat her alive and have her shrill screams dance in my head, it would be music to my ears and then I began to worry about my sanity and myself too.

My worry turned to disgust and my disgust to anger, I was mostly angry that I would just sit here beside Grace while she watched this disturbing series and not plunge a knife into her chest for all the pain she had caused me. It wouldn't have been the cleanest of ways to end her but it would do the job and bring her life to an end and in return give me peace from her. I wasn't a killer but I just wanted Grace out of my life, I wanted her to leave me and my mom in peace but the more I resented her, the closer she stuck.

I got pissed and frustrated cause I wasn't going to plunge a knife through Grace's chest, neither was I going to find a subtler way of killing her or ending her as more civilized people would say, and also because I was going to keep accepting her rubbish behavior because having Grace around was good for my mom and I loved my mom. I got off the couch, leaving Grace to her disturbing series and hoping she wouldn't notice I was gone.

Grace didn't notice I had left or she just chose to focus on her series and not me and for that I was grateful. I locked my room door behind me and crashed down on my bed, looking around my half-neat, half-dirty room. My briefs from the morning were off the floor and on my chair, in a neat pile along with the rest of my clothes I had left to pick up for laundry later. I made a mental note to try and actually do my laundry.

Rolling to my side drawer, I glanced at the red figures on my alarm clock. It was three minutes past nine thirty. I didn't have assignments since it was bizarre for teachers to pump us with assignments on the first day and I had finished reading the last book on my bookshelf a few days ago so that meant there was nothing new to read or do. Not unless I count my unfinished calculations on my desk.

I looked at the desk, and it looked different, mom had rummaged through my things and had sorted them out, putting all the sheets of paper together and the notebooks to one side and the textbooks on the opposite side of the desk. My laptop was neatly placed in the middle of the desk with a lamp right at the edge of the desk, illuminating almost the entire room. I decided I was going to finish my calculations, till whenever I fell asleep or got bored.

Stretching my long limbs, I picked my iPod from my side drawer, pulled my air pods from my jeans pocket, and realized I was still in my school clothes. I pulled off my jeans and my tee shirt, along with my beanie, trashing them to a corner of the room for another laundry pile I wasn't going to do. I walked in my briefs to my table, stuffing my ears with air pods and pressing play on the tiny screen of my iPod.

'What's new Scooby-doo' was playing so, I pulled out my chair, picked a pencil from my pencil holder, flipped open my notes, and propped my laptop open. I scrolled through the many tabs, looking for my chatroom, and picked the newest unsolvable equation our group admin had left for us. Humming the theme song for Scooby-doo while solving astronomically hard math in my briefs was soothing and in a little while, I was sound asleep on the keys of my laptop.

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