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They say there are worse punishments than death. Well, who ever said that was right. The past one month has been nothing but torture, I would have preferred a death sentence to the anguish and pain I have endured these past thirty days.

One month of math classes can do things to you, things you cannot explain and it doesn’t get better when you feel things that shouldn’t exist. Me and dad spoke about these sudden feelings for Benson and well, we concluded it was just because we were spending so much time together.

I did want to tell my dad that I did nearly break Benson’s skull, almost killing the poor boy in the process but I felt that wouldn’t do either of us any good. Heather and Jane have stopped swooping in to rescue me from my classes. I guess the act I and Benson pulled made a lasting impression on them.

But that left me and the nerd alone. A lot of things begin to bloom when you’re left alone with a nerd that looks like he could be the lover of a god. And every day I tried to kill the emotions blooming within me, the worse it got and now, I don’t know if I like this nerd or if he is just a tasty snack I want just because I can see it.

Benson doesn’t seem affected by our time together and if he is, he doesn’t show it and I am eternally grateful for that, at least one of us can keep a clear head through all this. The first week of these tutoring classes, I didn’t learn a thing. Maybe it was all the drama that happened, me trying to kill Benson, and us just trying to find our footing.

The second week went by a lot better. I began to learn things. Majority of which were in no way associated with math but at least I was learning. Heather has been absent from my life and I sometimes wonder if it’s me or she truly wants me to learn. Sometimes, I think to myself how Heather of all people is good at math and I need to be tutored to keep my grades alive. It seems like a mystery, a mystery I want to solve, and fast.

Benson never made it easy for me. Sometimes I think it’s his way of enacting revenge for me bashing his skull. He makes the most sarcastic comments and his sense of humor isn’t funny to anyone except himself.  I have never found any of his jokes funny but maybe that is because they’re all bout me and my inability to understand math. Which is a very serious predicament. Besides, who willingly devotes their time to math?

The third week was more like a get to know each other more kind of thing.

For example, Benson never goes anywhere without his beanie because his hair never looks presentable, his favorite color is purple because it calms him and not just any shade of purple, it needs to look light and royal. It's a weird thing but who am I to judge the guy. His favorite ice cream is vanilla, which is so plain! And, he's allergic to almost every fucking kind of flower, except marigolds. We still go to the mall every day for lunch but without Heather and Jane. Their reason for not showing up? They wanted the magic to work between Benson and I. I’ve told them not to get their hopes up.

"So, classes tomorrow or do you have an excuse as to why you won’t be showing up?" Benson arranged his textbooks according to height, placing them carefully into his backpack, signifying the end of our class.

I put on another coat of lip-gloss and rolled my eyes behind my little compact mirror before flashing a big, fake smile. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I slapped the mirror shut and tossed it into my bag.

Benson never really paid me that much attention when we weren’t in the mall or in class. He was more interested in his music and book and math problems. So, as we walked down the empty halls of West Coast High, there wasn’t a single soul in sight and the only sounds you could hear was the clacking of heels on the marble tiles and those annoying, and slippery sounds sneakers made against tiles.

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