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"I don't know what's up with you Lauraine but this isn't any way to treat a fellow human being, I mean the incident that happened this morning could be excused but this whole timer shit and calling me a nerd! No, I'm not taking this." I stood up, packed my bag, and walked out of the classroom. If Lauraine was having a bad day, she had no right to take it out on me.

I pulled out my phone and gave Ace a call, if he was still in the area then he could just come to get me so we can go to his house together. I deal with enough things in my life so I don't need some spoilt Mexican brat treating me like shit.

"Yo B! You don't know where to put it, do you?" Ace said with a somewhat father-like sympathy. What was this kid talking about this time?

"What are you talking about Ace?" I sighed into my speakers, bowing my head in annoyance.

"You know, with Lauraine! Don't be a killjoy B! Just ask Papa Ace what you want to know." I had a clear image of the cocky, proud, and annoying look Ace had on his face and it infuriated me even more.

"Please Ace, I'm not just in the mood! I just want to know if you're in the area so you could come to get me!" I screamed and when I had screamed my lungs out at my best friend in the world for no reason, I realized what a shitty move it had been.

"Okay, okay, chill out B, I'm coming back to get you, we can talk about this at my place."

"Thank you, Ace, and I'm sorry for screaming my lungs out at you. It's just that..."

"It's alright B, I should have known better. I'll be there in five. Okay?"

"Yeah, I'll wait for you in the parking lot."

Ace ended the call and with a heavy heart and a very unhappy look, I dragged my frustrated ass to the parking lot. Mom wasn't expecting me back till dinner time so I had a lot of time to chill at Ace's place, which meant a lot of time to blow off some steam. I didn't even get why I was so mad at Lauraine; it's not like she had done something that horrible to piss me off so why was I so annoyed!

It didn't matter, I just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible, at least then I didn't have to be in the same environment as her. And speaking of the devil, Lauraine was standing a few meters away and screaming my name. I heard her loud and clear but I was going to ignore the shit out of her, if she was still going to be a basic bitch, I wasn't going to listen to her. I thought we had made a lot of progress since yesterday but apparently, I was wrong.

Lauraine screamed louder, I guess she thought I couldn't hear her so I answered her thoughts. I pulled out my air pods and plugged them in my ears, making sure I held them long enough for her to see them before I stuck them in. I guess she got the message because there wasn't any more screaming, or maybe I couldn't hear her through my loud music.

Lights Up by Harry Styles sounded through my pods but the next thing I heard was a high pitch ringing in my head. Lauraine had shoved me from the bench I was sitting on onto the hard concrete ground! It wasn't some light push because I could see my freaking blood!

"Why the hell did you do that? What was that for? I could have died you know!" First, my best friend tries to kill me and now my student tries even harder to get me to meet my Maker. If I didn't know any better, I would think this was Kill Benson Day! What the hell was going on with this Lauraine bitch!

"Next time nerd, you won't ignore a lady when she calls." Lauraine huffed. Crossing her arms with a childish look of triumph.

Was she proud for almost cracking open my skull? Was killing me going to make her day any better? To hell with me if I was just going to sit around and find out any of that. I chose to be the sane person and move somewhere else and let the bitch take out her anger on the bench. Lauraine of course had other plans.

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