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"Hey mom!" My voice echoed through our flat.

"Benson? I'm in the kitchen, come help me set dinner!" Mom replied, sticking her head out the kitchen door before rushing back in.

"I'll be there in a minute; I need to freshen up. Oh, Lauraine got you some cakes!" I placed the bag of cakes on the dining, pulling out the chocolate first.

Mom reappeared at the kitchen door. "Isn't this from that fancy café?" Mom asked, walking towards the cake with caution.

"How in heavens name did you know about this café?" I asked.

My mom rolled her eyes at me and continued to inspect the cake. "She must really like you or she's a rich girl."

"Yeah." I mumbled, pulling my beanie and ruffling my hair, my mind going back to the kiss.

Mom raised an eyebrow, asking if I'm alright with a look. "That's sweet of her." Mom put the cake back into the bag, smuggling it under her arm for 'safe keeping'. "Alright, go freshen up."

Mom made something simple for dinner, veggie rice and chicken salad. The table was set, my tummy was grumbling and the air tasted delicious. I pulled out my seat, ready to say the grace and dig in, then the doorbell rang.

"That must be Grace! Could you get the door honey?" Mom smiled at me, dishing out the salad into small portions.

What the hell was Grace doing here?

"Yes, mum." I dragged my feet all the way to the door, wondering why the she-demon wouldn't let my life be.
"Hello Grace, why are you here?" I question the demon, refusing her entry into my peaceful home. "Thou shall not pass."

"Hey twerp, had fun in your coffee shop with your new fuck girl?" Grace smiled wickedly. I knew I had seen her at the coffee shop, shit! "What's wrong twerp, cat got your tongue? And don't expect me not to snitch to your mom." Grace shoved me out of her way and walked into the house.

"Hello Mrs. Scott!" Grace said in a sing-song.

"Hello Grace, I've told you, call me Pearl." Grace hugged mum and they sat at the table chatting. Grace was a devil in an angel's body, with her fake smile and angelic voice.

After dinner, I cleaned up the table, dumping the plates into the dishwasher and slammed the old piece of old metal shut. Of course the dishwasher had feelings and wouldn't start up. So, after ten minutes of appeasing its feelings, the old piece of metal rumbled to life but I was too late.

Grace was sitting on the couch with mom and she was crying! I was surprised the she-demon had any tears left in her.

"Talk to me Grace, what's the matter?" Mom wiped Grace's tears and she held her in her arms. If only she knew how serpentine Grace was, I doubt she would let Grace touch her.

"Nothing Mrs. Scott...I mean Pearl." Grace sniffled.

"Nothing can't make you cry Grace, what's the matter?"

"It's Benson!" Grace wailed louder. She was being too dramatic for a she-demon; I'm surprised she never considered acting as a side hustle.

"Benson?" Mom looked at me in shock. I had to act shocked too, couldn't let the she-demon win. "What did you do to Grace?"

"Nothing mom!" I shrugged, acting as surprised as mom.

"Nothing? And she's crying her eyes out!" Mom screamed at me.

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