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"You know, for someone who was pretty worried about me, you don't look so happy to see me. Why is that Ace Wright? Have you found a new best friend?" I licked the pudding off my spoon and pointed it at Ace in an accusatory manner.

“For someone who almost died, you seem pretty fine for a good beating to me," Ace said, cracking his knuckles, and walking closer to my bed.

I grabbed the call button beside me and placed a finger on it. "One threatening step and I call the nurses." I smirked evilly at Ace, stopping him dead in his tracks.

“Well played Benson Scott, well played." Ace did the slow applause thing, smiling at me.

“Well, when I have to deal with all your antics, I have to get a little creative at playing by the rules." I made air quotes for playing by the rules and I took a mini bow; well, as well as some in a sick bed could.

Ace just laughed at me, pulling the chair next to my bed and taking his seat. He held my free hand in his and looked me dead in the eyes.

"I almost lost you today Benson, and it was the scariest thing in the world." Ace's eyes were beginning to tear up.

“Scarier than thinking about coming out to your parents?" I tried to lighten the mood, I didn't want my best friend crying, especially when I wasn't dead yet.

“Yeah, scarier than that." Ace sniffled, wiping the single tear that had escaped his eyes, and let out a sad chuckle. "Promise me you won't leave me in this world alone B. No matter what, we would go through everything together and never leave each other behind or  alone." Ace said, his tears starting to flow gently. Ace was crying, something I hated to see but these were good tears. He had almost watched me die so I allowed it.

I couldn't do anything, I wasn't good at these types of things, so I just hugged Ace, engulfing his head and neck in my chest and gently rubbing his back.

"I could never leave you, Ace, we made a promise, remember?"

Ace didn't say anything, he just held onto me and cried silently, so I let him and I held him too. It was my little way of reassuring him that I was always there for him. Half an hour later, Ace was asleep in my arms. He had cried to his content and he had fallen asleep and I just let him sleep. I gently peeled him off me and placed his head on the bed so he was a little bit more comfortable. I doubted that sleeping on my bony frame was comfortable.

Ace roused a bit in his sleep before settling down. Once I was sure he wasn't going to wake up and he seemed a bit more comfortable, I reached for my phone from the bedside to check the time and it was seventeen minutes past eight.

It was eight at night and mom hadn't called to find out where I was and why I didn't come home for dinner. Something was wrong. I had dialed my mom's number before a message popped up on my screen.

From Mama Bear 🐻❤️ ; I'm sorry I didn't text or call earlier, something came up at work and I couldn't make it home. Please get some real food and not cereal, we're almost out of milk because of you Benny. Love you and see you tomorrow evening.

Mom had taken an extra shift, even though she was working overtime. I sent a reply and switched off my phone. I checked Ace and he seemed comfortable enough so I laid back in bed and watched him sleep.

It was all peaceful and quiet and slowly, the quietness engulfed me and I fell asleep too. 

To Mama Bear🐻❤️;   You should really slow down on all your extra shifts. Anyway, I'm spending the night at Ace's place so Mrs Wright would make sure I eat a proper dinner and not just cereal. Love you and see you soon🙂💕.

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