9.2 - fuckbuddies

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I walked through the cafeteria to find my friends when I saw her sitting at a table alone. She was sitting in the back just like she always did in the library, able to see everything but unnoticed for most others. Little does she know that she's the first one that I notice when I walk in. I decided to walk over and sat down on the chair across from her but she didn't move, she didn't even look up from the book she was reading. So I watched her, I watched and waited until she'd look up or say something. Because for some reason no words came to my mind.

"You know staring is rude, right?" She said softly without even looking up. A small smile formed on my face but I kept my eyes on her until she looked up and I could finally look into her eyes.

"Do you want to come over tomorrow? It's Saturday and we don't have classes Monday and Tuesday so most guys are going home."

"You could have just texted me that." She said before she looked back at her book and I let out a soft chuckle. "I'm going away for the weekend with Valerie and Poppy. Do you have any plans tonight?"

"Game night that'll probably last till 3-4am." I replied and she nodded before looking up at me again.

"I'm back Monday evening so I could come over after but I'm not sure what time it'll be. Or else there's a party next week friday that I'm going to, I'm sure they have a bathroom or empty bedroom." She said so calmly but her voice soft enough so nobody around her could hear it. "I'll just text you, Poppy and Valerie are coming here to have lunch together so it would be best if you leave before they come."

"Alright." I said before getting up, I walked over and leaned down beside her. "I can't wait until you'll be naked in my bed again Monday." I whispered and she just shot me a glare to which I responded with a laugh before walking away. I went over to my friends and just when I sat down, I could see Valerie and Poppy walk into the cafeteria.

I looked back at Lia and watched the way her attitude changed when she saw the two girls, she put away her book immediately and smiled and laughed when she greeted them. It was quiet the opposite as to how she reacted to me. It was so different to see her this way, but I smiled as I watched her. Happiness was radiating from her and it was impossible to look at her without a smile.

"I talked to Emily yesterday about the rule," Ashton said when he noticed I was watching her. "She's not going to drop it any time soon. She's respecting the fact her mother made that rule back then to protect her friends and is going to keep it to do the same. So you have to get Lia out of your head Cal."

"If she was that easy to get out of my head, I would have done it long ago."


CalumHood: lets blame everything on the alcohol in my veins

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CalumHood: lets blame everything on the alcohol in my veins.

AshtonIrwin: dont forget about the drugs
LukeHemmings: you havent been wasted in months
CalumHood: @lukehemmings stop spreading lies
MichaelClifford: luke is saying the truth.
SamEvans: you can't blame alcohol for the heartache you set yourself up for, I know you were sober.
CalumHood: @samevans I didn't set myself up for any heartache?
SamEvans: @CalumHood you know who I'm talking about
CalumHood: @samevans can we not do this here?


Sam: you're setting yourself up for heartache by seeing Lia
Calum: it's just hookups, we both agreed on that
Sam: but you're already falling for her Calum, and I know that she isn't and won't.
Calum: I'll stop it before it can become a heartache
Sam: you won't cal, you'll keep seeing her and hope that you can change her mind but she just fucks around and nothing more.
Calum: its like you're warning me for a stranger but she's your friend Sam
Sam: I've known her for 1,5 year while I've known you for twice as long so yes I'll warn you about her because I don't agree with what she does, she drinks and sleeps around a lot.
Calum: so do I, so are you warning her about me too?


It was Monday evening and I was just sitting on the couch, waiting for her text that she had arrived. I had been looking forward to this all weekend, even if for her this was nothing more than -hopefully good- sex, I looked forward to seeing her again. I looked forward to being able to admire her body with its curves and marks again. And all day I hoped we'd have some sort of conversation, even if it was short. I knew damn well that I was already hoping for too much but I was too far in already while she wasn't letting me in her head at all.

When my phone finally buzzed, I jumped up from the couch and walked over to the door.

"Hi" I said as soon as I pulled open the door. I watched her while she put away her phone before looking at me with a smile. Her hair was loose and I could tell she had just ran her hand through it. She was wearing a simple plain white shirt but it was just lightly see through and I could already tell she was wearing either black or dark blue underwear. She held onto her sweater as the night was still warm enough now but probably wouldn't anymore when she leaves.

"Hey." She said with a bright voice and I couldn't help but smile. "Do I need to be quiet to sneak upstairs or are all the boys gone?" She asked when I let her in.

"Jack is the only one that didn't go home but he's on a date so we can be as loud as we want." I replied and she let out a soft laugh, "Do you want to drink or eat anything or is it just sex and leaving again?" I asked and her whole mood changed.

"Calum, you know it's nothing more than sex. Are you sure you can do that? Because if you end up falling and I have to break your heart, I'm going to loose one of my best friends because Sam will choose your side no matter what." She replied and I looked at her, I looked at the girl I was dying to get to know but I knew I wouldn't. I knew I'd end up falling and I can only hope that she does too.

"Yeah ofcourse, but friends with benefits still includes friends so I was just being nice." I replied and she smiled.

"Fuckbuddies." She corrected me but I smiled.

"Even that still includes buddies, so do you want something to drink or not?" I asked and she smiled too before shaking her head. I gave her a nod before we went to the stairs and made our way upstairs. She looked so sweet and innocent but I knew better, I knew how she changed once the bedroom door closed and our clothes started disappearing. I knew she was nowhere near innocent but still I wanted to know that version of her, the sweet and soft side.


Surprise, I wrote two chapters yesterday so here's an update.

Let me know what you think?

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