4.1 - vulnerable

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"Good, you're finally here." Emily said when I reached the stand. "You know how it works or do I have to explain that too?"

"Be friendly, try to convince them we have the most fun house, don't mention they can't date the hot guy across and then write down their name and number." I said and she send me a glare but I just smiled at her. I walked around the stand and she took her bag before looking at me again. "Emily, I know what to do."

"Don't screw this up." She said before she walked away. I sat down on the chair before looking around. Even though I spend a lot of time at Sam's house, I didn't know the girl standing beside me but she also didn't look like someone I wanted to know. I looked across the small pathway, more specifically at the guy I kissed two nights before. He was talking to the type of guy that doesn't usually join a fraternity. He was wearing dress pants, a button up shirt and had glasses resting on his nose. He looked like a nerd and from the small conversation I managed to overhear, he definitely was one. They were looking for a new treasurer.

Calum looked over the guy's shoulder and send me a kind smile, it was not his usual grin or cocky smile but an actual kind, happy smile. The guy ended up turning his head to see what distracted Calum but he blushed and turned back towards Calum when he saw me.

"Is she your girlfriend?" The guy asked and Calum laughed while I let out a soft chuckle. I looked away again and got up when a girl approached our stand.

"Hi, welcome at UCLA!" I said cheerfull and she walked right over at me. We were surrounded with mainly fraternities so I knew she would approach either me or the stand beside me. "How has your first week been?" I asked and she gave me a bright smile back.

"Oh it's been great!" She replied before picking up a flyer from the table.

"What are you studying?" I asked and she smiled even brighter because I showed interest.

"English Literature."

"If I can give you one piece of advice, there's a list going around with exam questions for multiple subjects, study those for all classes of miss. Wittman. She is a horrible teacher but her exams are often the same." I said as I looked at her.

"I don't really know anyone yet but I can ask around, see if anyone has it." She said a bit softer, a little ashamed to admit it.

"I didn't really have friends here either until I joined the sorority. But I think I still have the list on my laptop, so I could send it to you if you want?" I suggested, her smile becoming brighter again and she nodded happily.

"That would be really kind."

"Just send me a message on facebook or to the email address on the flyer and I'll send it to you." I said and she looked at the flyer to find the address. "You don't have to feel obligated to join us now, I'll still send it if you don't."

"There are a lot of sororities to choose from." She said while looking around. "How did you choose one?" She asked and two more girls walked up to us to take a flyer.

"I talked with all sororities and they're all great, I have friends in a lot of different ones by now but I just tried finding the one with people I'd get along with the easiest and the kind of house I would fit in best. I didn't want to be partying every week and still get my privacy to study and just be on my own sometimes. We throw a party once every month or every other month but we get invited to parties nearly every week so we have the opportunity to party as much as we want without it being mandatory. Most of the girls also really want to focus on their education but still have all the fun aspects of college. I tried comparing all houses and thisone was the one I could be myself the most so that's how I chose." I explained, all three of the girls listened with a smile and nodded occasionally.

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