6.2 - privacy

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I was trying to catch my breath, trying to control my mind but I was failing while I watched her. She looked so unaffected, so calm and so different from the girl who needed to be in control just minutes ago.

"That was..." I started but I left my sentence unfinished when she sat up and looked ready to go again.

"You know I'm not going to stay the night or call tomorrow, right?" She asked without looking at me, she got on her feet and gathered her clothes from the floor. I tried to take in the view I had as much as possible, I tried to let it last longer but it didn't take her long until she had her clothes back on. "Calum?"

"Yeah I know. Just a one night stand." I said to her and she looked at me with a sympathetic smile.

"I know you heard the stories about me, I know they spread around like wildfire here. But you can't tell anyone about this, it'd cost you your position as president and my place in my house. So this stays between us." She said so easily before she walked over. "You got what you wanted, so can you now stop staring at me every time we see each other?"

"I won't tell anyone." I said, ignoring the part of the staring. Because now I know what's underneath her clothes, I don't think I'll ever be able to take my eyes of her.

"Don't call or text me in the morning, I've heard stories about you too." She said before she pressed her lips against mine, for a last kiss, a last goodbye. She pulled away too quickly, too abruptly before walking over to the mirror to fix her hair.

"Before I forget to ask, do you know who Emily's father could be? I know you went to your dad after we saw each other earier this week." She asked, her hand already on the door handle and ready to leave.

"I don't, I can't give her any answers to questions she might have. I do want to speak to her though." I said and she gave me a nod before she left without another word while all I wanted to do was take off her clothes again.

I let my head fall back down on the pillow, trying to wrap my head around it. I wanted to know what went on in her head, I wanted to know if I was just another one on her list.

I got exactly what I thought I wanted but it was only a small taste of what I needed.

Ten minutes after she walked out, I finally got up and started looking for my clothes. After I had put on my boxers, I got a glimpse of my back in the mirror. I stared at the reflection of my back, I stared at the scratching marks she had left during the short moment she had let me take control. I turned around and looked at the hickies she had left on my body, but she pushed me away when I tried to leave one on hers. Said there couldn't be any physical evidence of what happened. But I let her, I let her leave a hickey and a mark on my skin. Because I wanted to be able to remember the way she felt and tasted every time I look in the mirror.

I knew she liked to be in control, every story about her told me that but it was different to experience it, so different to be submissive for once.

I looked away from my reflection, from the marks that would be visible for a few days. And after putting on my clothes, I left my room and went back downstairs.

When I walked into the crowded room, I started looking for her. I wanted to see if she just moved on and was dancing with a new guy or if she was talking with her friends.

"Have you seen Lia?" I asked Sam when she walked past with a beer in her hand. She looked at me confused before her eyes darted to the hickey in my neck. Just a second later her hand hit the side of my head but without enough force to actually hurt me.

"You're an idiot." She said and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, she grabbed my arm and dragged me behind her to an empty room before turning towards me. "You slept with her even though you knew you shouldn't and now you're starting to fall and hope she catches you but you're a fucking idiot if you think she will. I love Lia and see her as my sister but she's no good for you."

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