11.2 - new year

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CalumHood: happy new year I guess

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CalumHood: happy new year I guess

SamEvans: clean your fkn room for once
CalumHood: @samevans I just came back, I was still unpacking
AshtonIrwin: we're going to throw the best new years party in history
MichaelClifford: @ashtonirwin shut up ash, we don't want people to have too high expectations bcs it'll probably suck in the end
LukeHemmings: so is it water or alcohol in the bottle
CalumHood: @lukehemmings no one needs to know


It was already way past midnight and the house was starting to become more empty every hour. I could feel the alcohol and drugs starting to fade and my sober mind returning. But it didn't matter if I was drunk, high or sober, all night my eyes had been on her. I wondered why she was here because I knew her house went to another party. Yet she showed up here and talked with people she knew all night, she didn't look for someone to have a New Year's kiss or a hook up. She just laughed, talked and danced all night. And looked a whole lot more sober than I was hours ago.

I watched as she excused herself from the conversation she was in to go to the kitchen, before doing the same to follow her. I let the door fall closed behind us but she didn't look up or seemed to care that I had followed. "Ashton said this was going to be the best party in history, but I've been to better." She said with her back facing me as she poured herself another drink.

"He commented that under my instagram post, so how did you know?" I asked her and she just let out a laugh before turning around and leaning against the counter.

"You can't tell me that you don't look at my posts. I saw the accidental like on my post on Christmas." She replied and I got a grin on my face as I looked at her.

"I was hoping you wouldn't have seen that but you just looked so hot." I admitted, which just made her smile. "How was your winter break?" I asked just to make some conversation and she looked at me confused for just a second before replying.

"It was nice, everyone went home so I had the house to myself." She said with a soft smile.

"So you used Poppy's mirror?" I said and she laughed as she nodded, "I think we both read each other's posts."

"I was actually looking for a shirt that I think Poppy took from me and then I got distracted by the mirror. I still haven't found my shirt though." She took a sip from her drink before looking at me again, "How was your break?"

"It was very nice to be home again and spend Christmas with my family. But still I'm glad to be back here with all these assholes." I replied and she laughed softly, I had missed her over the winter break but that was something I could never admit to her. "You look amazing tonight."

"You look great too, Calum." She said softly before she took a step closer to me and placed her hand on the back of my neck. I leaned down a little and she placed the softest kiss on my lips, the connection feeling like there was electricity running through my body but she pulled away too soon. "You don't look drunk or high anymore, so how about we go upstairs?" She whispered softly, our lips still so close to each other and I leaned down again to close the gap and kiss her again, I had missed the taste of her lips too. She kissed me back instantly and I wrapped my arms around her waist, trying to get closer and prevent the kiss from ending. Because this wasn't the same kind of kiss as in the bedroom, this was soft and slow and gave a whole new kind of feeling.

"Be there in 5?" I asked when I broke the kiss, she gave me a nod while she looked me right in the eyes. The kiss felt different to her too, because even her eyes were softer and brighter than usual.


"Why are you so afraid of love?" I asked, my legs surrounding her body as she leaned against my bare chest. Her eyes were partly closed but they opened again at my question. She tried to sit up straight but I wrapped my arms around her to pull her back down to me.

"I'm not afraid of love." She corrected me but I let out a low chuckle.

"You make up excuses every time I ask you how you feel about us. So either you're afraid of love or you're just not into me. As you keep coming back and it's no longer just to get laid, I know it's not the second." I explained and she smiled softly before looking at me, she placed a soft kiss against my neck and my grip around her tightened. I knew she was just trying to get out of the confrontation.

"I don't come here for therapy sessions." She replied and I let out a sigh, "You're asking me if I'm afraid of love but you're the wrong one to judge that."

"I have a history with girls but fuck that, this is college. We're supposed to have fun and let loose here. I'm not afraid of love or commitment, I'm just living my life to the fullest." I said and she let out a laugh, her body vibrating against mine. "I'm falling for you Lia, we both know that but every time the topic of us being together comes up, you change the topic, leave or we fuck to stop talking."

"I think I'm going to leave." She said before trying to sit up but I was holding onto her tightly. She was just proving my point. "Calum, let me go."

"We're going to talk and I'm not letting you go until we do." I said determined and she let out a grunt.

"I come here to fuck, not to talk about my life."

"We were done an hour ago, we showered and you're still here. Unless you're waiting for a second round, you're no longer here to fuck." I said and she let out a sigh before looking away from me. "You came to this party instead of going with your friends, you stayed until 3am to wait until I had time instead of just asking for a quick round. You don't want to rush it anymore like you used to, something changed Lia. I know how I feel but every time I try to ask you, you close yourself off and your reply is almost rehearsed. I'd accept your reply of not wanting a relationship if it was genuine, but it doesn't sounds like it is."

"I'm not afraid of love, I just like what we have now. Without feelings and just simple." She started and I was about to say something when someone knocked on the door.

"What?" I yelled at the door.

"I know Lia is here but we need you." Jack said, he sounded scared to be interrupting. Maybe I've scared them too much before.

"This conversation isn't over yet." I said to her as I let her go but she got out of bed too and went to pick up her shirt and jeans from the floor. I watched her as she bent over to pick up her clothes and waited until she put on her clothes before opening the door. I don't give a shit about them seeing me in my boxers but I'd have to punch the guy if they saw her in her underwear. "What's going on?"

"Logan and Samuel are arguing because Logan made out with Samuel's girlfriend at midnight and it's about to turn into a fist fight. Ashton is at Sam's and I don't know where Luke and Michael are." He said rushed before looking at her, "Hey Lia."

"Hey Jack." She said back before she got her keys and phone. I walked over to her to get my sweatpants and a shirt but she was ready to leave again.

"Please stay, this won't take long and I want to continue our conversation." I nearly begged but she just gave me a soft smile.

"This will take a while and you have to be there for your guys. I have to go back." She replied and I leaned down to give her a quick goodbye kiss. I knew there was no point in trying to make her stay.

"Calum!" Someone yelled from downstairs before the shouting became even louder.

"Just go, I'll see you again soon." She said again as we both left my room.


Oh wow here's another update bcs I didn't want to study and now I'm out of chapters again so I'll see y'all in a month or so.

I love all of you.

Pls give me story feedback and motivate me to keep writing

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