7.2 - DNA

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"Can you bring me back home?" She asked while she gathered my clothes from around the room. I was watching her from the bed like I did the first time, trying to take in the view for as long as it lasted.

"You can stay for a while too, we could watch a movie or I could bring you back in the morning." I suggested and she let out a sigh while she put on her underwear again.

"Calum, I came here to fuck. Nothing more than that, you know that." She said so coldly. I was hoping she had changed her mind, I was hoping that she'd stay even though I knew that she wouldn't. I knew what this was to her.

"I know that but-" I started while she put on her jeans again. She looked at me with a glare, asking me not to give her excuses so I nodded. "I'm going to talk to Emily tomorrow, I haven't figured out yet what I want to say to her." I said instead. It was an attempt to keep her here a little longer, even if it was just for a few minutes.

"What do you know?" She asked before walking over to the bed again and sitting down beside me. I could tell she was only staying for Emily's sake but she was sitting with me, talking and I think that's progress.

"I know how it ended and my dad's role in it. I don't know a lot about what actually happened." I replied with a soft shrug, I wasn't going to give her details because she didn't look like she wanted to know. She was looking down at me, at my naked body next to her almost fully clothed one.

"Then don't talk about what happened that day, be honest with her and tell her that you don't know. The last thing she wants to hear are lies." She replied and I nodded slowly. "Just because one of your fathers did this, doesn't mean you are the same. You pushed me away last night to ask if I was drunk, I know you would have kicked me out if I was. Ashton is the only other guy here that I've talked with, but judging by the parties we've both attended, I don't see any of you capable of raping a woman. Especially not you, because you are a big softie."

"You've talked with Ashton?" I asked, I don't know why I was so surprised by that but somehow it was the first question that came out and it clearly pissed her off.

"Really? Is that what you got from that?" She asked but I just looked at her with a soft grin, trying to get my answer. "You just have to be honest with Emily, ask her what she wants to know about it before telling her anything because she might not even want to know what happened. And tell her the men who did it 25 years ago, are not the ones in your house right now."

"Okay." I replied while she looked at her phone for the time. We had taken much longer to explore each other's bodies this time, not just a quick one night stand. She wanted to go home, so I decided to stop asking questions and allow her. I wasn't going to get anywhere by forcing her.

"Now can you bring me home? Or will I have to walk there?" She asked and I gave her a short nod before getting off the bed and taking my clothes. I could feel her eyes on me as I moved, admiring her work from our previous time combined with the fresh scratches and hickeys. "We can't do this again." She said after a minute, I turned around to look at her and she was still looking at me.

"Why not? Nobody has to find out. I can easily sneak you inside or disappear with you at a party. It doesn't have to mean anything."

"We can't because you want me to stay the night and I want nothing more than to get back home alone." She said honestly and I let out a sigh. She was right but I wanted to see her again. So if one night stands would be the only way to do so, I'd do it.

"I don't want a relationship, neither do you, but I also want to stop screwing around with different girls. And I know it would be much easier to just find a different girl but I don't want to because the sex we had was nearly mindblowing for me because nobody ever dares to take control with me. So how about just screwing each other instead of different people every week? No strings attached and you can leave or stop any time you want." I tried to convince her but she got up from my bed and just took her sweater to put it back on before going to the door.

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