2.2 - legacy

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^^ the picture at the top is the houses, because there are a lot of names and I'm constantly looking back at it too not to make a mistake, I will be adding this to every chapter

"You're late." Luke said annoyed when I finally walked through the door.

"I lost track of time, we can do the meeting after dinner with a beer?" I said while I put my jacket away. I dropped my bag by the stairs before turning to look at him. He had a grin on his face, expecting I was wasting my time with a girl in her bedroom. "I was at the library."

"You were with Lia." He said, his grin even bigger but it was clear he was surprised. "She's always there."

"I saw her sitting in the back when I walked past, so I went in and decided to work for our assignment for a little. I just lost track of time." I said honestly.

"Sure." He said but I could see he didn't buy any of it. "Most of us already had dinner so I'll give you 10 minutes to heat up the leftovers and get a beer."

"Thanks Luke." I replied before I quickly made my way to the kitchen. I put a bowl with pasta in the microwave before taking out a cold beer. Non of us liked to cook so in my first year here, our president at the time made it a rule everyone had to take turns in cooking and on friday, we get take out. Once my food was warm I went over to the room beside mine, the only other room on the top floor. Pictures of the full fraternity of each year filled the walls. The pictures were there to remember those who started it and who tried their best each year to make us better. I was on three pictures so far, the fourth would be added once we are complete again with new pledges.

"Nice of you to still join us Calum." Michael said after I entered the room.

"This is the first time I'm late so stop complaining." I replied as I sat down at the table with them, my dinner and drink in front of me.

"We've been invited to Sam's house again this saturday, we can start selecting pledges next week so they decided to throw a last party without the 'young ones'. There are a few other fraternities and sororities invited so it will be a big party." Ashton explained and I nodded while I put a fork full of pasta in my mouth.

"We have a pretty big budget to start with this year, I compared it to the previous years and we have a good start." Jack said before everyone looked at Luke and Michael.

"You have to go talk with the other presidents to decide who gets which day for the parties next week. But I think the chance is high we get friday or saturday if you push hard enough. The other presidents aren't exactly the 'tough' looking guys this year." Michael said and I nodded again.

"If we want to keep our title high, we have to make sure we throw the best party of all next week. We want people fighting over the last 4 spots in the house. I don't want any of the pledges to be happy with just being a member. So I've been writing down some ideas the past weeks for the party, all should still be achieveable if we get Saturday. I'm not planning on spending a lot of the budget on this party because this will be just the first of many." I explained before reaching for the papers I had put here this morning. "I will be in the stand all week to talk to the new students and I would prefer two other guys with me at all times. First impressions count and we are going to make sure we make a good one. We also need some new nerds as Jack will be graduating this year and we currently don't have anyone smart enough to do it. So if we need to make sure we attract all kind of guys and not just the party types."

"Thanks for calling me a nerd there." Jack said with a grin and I looked at him with a smile.

"You know we all love you." I said while Ashton patted his back. "Do we already know where our stand will be?"

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