3.2 - little girl

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I had been watching her most of the night, I watched the way she danced with another guy and the way she laughed every time he said something. I knew the guy was one of the other rich kids so I guess they attract each other. She looked back at me a few times, a smile on her face as she looked at me but her hands on the body of another guy. I felt like a creep for watching her but she didn't seem to mind, she seemed to enjoy the attention even.

I lost track of her after a few hours and found myself a girl to waste the night with. I hadn't seen anyone from her house for a while so I assumed they all went home. So it was a surprise when I saw her sitting on the couch between Valerie and the guy from before, laughing and talking. I looked at her for a second but she didn't even seem to notice me. Michael and Luke waved me over, asking me to sit on the couch beside them.

"Nobody of her house is here, but she's friends with Sam, Valerie and Peter so she stayed." Michael informed me, "Go for dares every time. At some point they will turn into sexual dares and you can take your shot without any consequences. And as her house isn't here, there won't be anyone throwing drinks at you after."

"You guys can't ask me, so how will this even work?" I asked them, their idea was great but it wouldn't be easy and I don't want to end up having to kiss another girl in front of her. I wanted to make her chase me and make her want me, I don't want to chase her away.

"Because Ashton knows about the plan too and he's sitting with Sam." Luke said and I looked at Ashton who had his arms around his girlfriend but when he caught me staring, he gave me a nod. He's in on the plan.

"Okay so I think everyone who wanted to play is here." Sam said when all the couches were filled with people. "The rules are simple, keep it safe and no making fun of each other. You can't ask someone from your own house, we're with people from 5 houses here so that shouldn't be a problem. If you don't want to answer a truth or do a dare, you're out of the game."

"Who gets to start?" I asked her after she sat down again.

"The honour is all yours Calum." She said with a smile and I let out a chuckle.

"Alright then, Peter, truth or dare?" I said as I looked at the guy beside her, only knowing his name because Michael just told me. I just knew him as one of the rich kids and the guy who got to dance with her all night.

"Oh definitely truth." He said, his arm over Lia's shoulder and Lia let out a soft laugh but she didn't look at me. She just looked at her friend beside her.

"If you could have a threesome with any two people in the room, who would it be?" I asked, immediately trying to move the topic of the questions to the sexual ones.

"Easy." He said as he looked around before looking back at me. "You and Lia." He said so straightforward and without any fear and Lia laughed beside him but I didn't. There was some laughter in the circle but we just stared at each other before looking at Lia beside him. "I'd choose Sam or Valerie and Lia but I'm no cheater. Besides, I've already done one with two girls so time for something new I guess?" Lia pushed him lightly as he said that, clearly more embarrased about it than he was. She was in that threesome.

"Thanks man." Ashton said while Sam and Valerie were just laughing at their friends.

Somehow the question had backfired for me. Because I couldn't get the image out of my head anymore now. I've had threesomes before, I've done it all but fuck I wish they were with Lia. Although I'm not sure I'd be able to share her if I ever got my hands on her.

I zoned out a little while the game went around, I had started it right, every truth more sexual than the one before but the dares were lame, everyone was holding back with them.

It took several rounds until it finally landed on Lia.

"Lia, truth or dare?" Sam asked her and I immediately looked up again, Lia looked back at Sam, both smiling.

"Dare." She bluntly said without thinking, she was either avoiding a very sexual truth or wasn't afraid to get a dare.

"Bold move for a little girl." I mumbled but I made sure it was loud enough, I wanted her to hear it. I wanted to make her want to prove something. She looked back at me and I grinned, not afraid of her glare. But she turned away rather fast again to look at Sam and Ashton.

"I dare you to make out for one minute with one of the guys in the circle. It can't be Peter." Sam said and I let out a soft chuckle. So far for the plan. She could chose any guy and any guy wanted her to kiss them. She was wanted and she knew that.

I was looking at her, curious to see what she would do but I couldn't help but watch her with a grin. She eventually stood up and turned towards me, her eyes locking together with mine before she started walking over to me. My grin faded when I was sure she had picked me.

"Oh shit" Michael whispered beside me but I didn't look away from her, I stared right at her. She stopped in front of me and looked at Luke shortly to make him move before looking back at me. Without any hesitation, she sat down on my lap and placed her hands around my neck. She was fearless, she didn't care about breaking a rule but she was determined to prove a point. She wanted to show she wasn't a little girl.

I didn't start the kiss, I gave her the opportunity to do that herself and she did. She lightly placed her lips on mine but it didn't take long until the kiss got deeper and it was a full on make out session. My hands found the way to her lower back, respecting her enough not to place them on her butt infront of her friends. I was trying to fight for dominance in the kiss but the way her finger tips ran through my hair and her body pressed against mine, I gave it too easily. I'm not one to give in easily but somehow she touches me and I'd do anything for her.

I was well aware of our surroundings and of the growing problem she was causing. I knew she was aware of that too by the way she grinned in the kiss and gently tugged on the strands of hair between her fingers. I couldn't stop the moan from coming out but I just hoped the music was loud enough so nobody else could hear.

She pulled away as soon as someone said the minute was over but she leaned closer to my ear, her lips nearly touching. "I hope your girlfriends don't mind that I managed to get you hard and make you moan in a 1 minute make out session." She whispered, her voice sounded so unaffected. She got up and went back to her place while Luke handed me a pillow and I placed it on my lap in an attempt to hide it but everyone knew.

I stared at her, she just moved on, asked a new question while she got in my head. Everything I try to do to get in her head results in her getting in mine.

I am a mess for her.

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