Chapter 39: Burning

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Mum was practically in hysterics when Luna came over to our house for the day. Clean this, sweep that, get dressed into something decent, it was as if the queen herself was on her way. My sister, as always, couldn't care less about it. These days it seems as if she doesn't care about anything at all unless it involves William, makeup, or clothes. She never talks to me anymore except to shout at me, like if I'm hogging the bathroom or doing something that mildly inconveniences her, and some days I shout right back at her. If we did it in front of mum we'd both be in trouble, but otherwise our conversations almost always ended with either an eye roll or a door slam.

I'm glad at least one of us turned out right.

I was upstairs reading when I heard the front door open, and mum excitedly greeting whoever had knocked.

"Ah! Lovely to finally meet you, dear. Please, call me Mary," I hear her say. I fly out of my chair and down the stairs to see mum and Luna standing in the doorway, both of them smiling. They're talking to each other like old friends, as if they'd known each other for years instead of seconds.

"Hi," Luna said with a smile when she saw me at the foot of the stairs. When I smile back at her, I notice that she's wearing the same shirt she wore on my birthday, and I feel my face heating up as I remember that night. I don't think she noticed because she didn't say anything as I lead her over to the couch to watch TV as mum went into the kitchen to make us some lunch.

"You weren't lying when you said your mom loved me already," she said as I turned on the TV set.

"I know, there was a whole preparation process for your arrival this morning," I reply, flipping through channels to see if anything good was on. "Do you like any shows?"

"I don't watch much television, dad never bought one," she sighed, resting her chin in her hands. The next channel I flipped to was playing Sleeping Beauty, so I put the remote down.

"You'll definitely like this, it's a fairy tale movie," I said, and I watched the smile on her face grow as Princess Aurora danced around in the woods with the little forest animals, singing about true love. I could easily see Luna doing that in real life.

She wound up laying sideways with her head in my lap, and I braided tiny strands of her hair in an attempt to keep the thoughts in my head at bay. Just like back in Hogsmeade before Christmas, I'd felt dirty for letting them happen, but every time I looked at her shirt, it only fueled the fire that I was trying to put out. I don't regret what happened, but at the same time I hadn't really given it too much thought since then. Her shirt was a reminder of what we'd done, and that was enough for me at least. She traced her finger in lazy circles on my knee and it tickled in a way that sent a chill down my spine, thus adding to the fire again. I can't keep doing this to myself.

The movie was soon over, so I invited her up to my room. I lead her up the stairs and down a short hallway, and she smiled when she walked in the door.

"I remember," she said, sitting on my bed, "this is what the room showed us on your first day." I can't believe she could recall something so small from so many years ago, and it makes my heart feel full. I sit down next to her, smiling.

"Yeah," I replied in a suddenly soft voice as she leans close to my face. "You like it?"

"It suits you, I think," Luna said right before she kissed me. After a while I let myself fall backward with her on top of me, and we both swung our legs up on the bed. The room was spinning and I was tempted to just sit there and let her take over, but I didn't feel like doing anything regular today. When I got my chance, I pushed up against her shoulders and rolled over so that I was on top of her. She was so surprised that she stopped kissing me to look at me as if I'd grown another head.

"My turn," was all I could say. She smiled and pulled me in again, and I noticed that there was a burning in my head and my stomach. It wasn't something bad or angry, though. It was more like desperation, but that probably isn't the right word either.

Maybe there's just not a word for that feeling yet.

I didn't immediately know what to do like she had, so I was left trying to figure out in the moment what felt right. All I could focus on was the fire in my brain, and nothing else felt real except for her. My hand slid up her leg and under her skirt as if it had a mind of its own and I hear her gasp as her nails dig into my back. The logical part of me tells me to stop and ask if I'd hurt her, but the way she wrapped both arms around my neck and pulled me down was all the closure I needed. Her breathing got more and more ragged as we kept going, and the skin on her neck felt hot against my lips.

"Y/n-" she breathed. I kiss her again to silence her, but she doesn't quiet down like I'd hoped. Normally I would've enjoyed it but the last thing I need is someone hearing or walking in, and she was getting louder as she squirmed around my hand. In a moment of alarm, I started to sit up, but she yanked me back down towards her.

"Don't you dare stop," she said as she tightened her grip on my shirt, so I did as she said. I only slowed down when she was frantically clawing at me and gasping for air. Once I was through she grabbed my shirt once again and kissed me harder than she ever had before, red-faced and out of breath. I mumbled something incoherent into her neck, and I can't believe that there was a time not so long ago that I felt so much shame to want things like this, especially now that I'd done it to someone else. Now I felt bad for being angry at my sister for liking it, even though the thought of her going around with almost all the boys in her class made me want to crawl out of my skin.

"Never a dull moment with you, is there?" Luna giggled breathlessly as she ran her fingers through my hair. I smile back at her as I kiss her once more, unable to fully pull away after. My eyes are shut and my lips are curled into a sort of smile, just barely brushing against hers, and I wish with all my heart that we could stay here, like this, forever. I would never have needed anything at all for the rest of my life.

Surprisingly enough, the moment wasn't ruined by my mum or my sister walking in with a slew of questions, demanding to know what we'd been doing. And to me, that was its own sort of perfect.

Dear Reader,

Hii so as you all have probably heard by now I've been quarantined with covid for the past week (it'll be a week tomorrow) and I've had an insane amount of time on my hands. I've also been trying to work on Just Friends too, I accidentally drafted 2 chapters so it might take a bit to get up to speed with that but other than that I think the worst of the covid bout is over and I plan on getting back to school and normal stuff on Thursday. If you haven't read Just Friends yet, go do it now! (or don't, I can't tell you what to do). That's it for now, until next time!!

Frankie :)

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