Chapter 8

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Yoongi POV:

"Okay boys I need you to be really good today. We need to go to the mall because we need to buy some new clothes for all of us. We need to get Jimin new gym shoes for school and I need new shoes as well." I told my boys as they looked up at me in awe.

"I'm so excited!" Jimin said as he grabbed the younger one and bounced around.

"Can you two be good today?" I asked. They both nodded. Dear lord please make this a stress free day. "Okay let's go to the car." They both ran off and by the time I got there everyone was already buckled up.

"Daddy look we did it all by ourselves!" They said proudly. I smiled.

"Good job!" I said as I double checked before driving off. It only took about 10 minutes to get across town and to the mall. "Okay boys when we go in you need to grab Daddy's hand okay?" I emphasized every word. The nodded and hopped out of their seats.

"Let's go let's go!" Jungkook squealed.

"Okay grab my hand and let's go in." We walked in and this was the start of my biggest fear coming true.

We spent around 2 hours trying to find clothes for the boys as well as shoes. I could tell the boys were getting tired. 

"Daddy can we go look at the toy section? It's right over there and you can see us!" Jimin asked. I figured it wouldn't be a big problem so I let them go only to where I could still see them. As I grabbed some of my clothes from the clearance sections I thought I'd try them on to see if it fit and looked okay.

"Boys I'm just going to be in the fitting room. Don't go anywhere!" I said to them and they nodded their heads. I went in and tried on the clothes. They fit alright but they looked a little big. I left and found a smaller size then went back in again. This fit so much better and I really liked it too. I walked out and grabbed all of the other clothes as well then went to go grab my boys and they weren't there.

"Min Jimin. Min Jungkook. Boys where are you?" I hollered but they weren't anywhere near. Oh my god what am I going to do? I just lost my boys. I left my cart and started to panic. I looked all around the toy sections as well as the rest of the other aisles and they weren't there. They couldn't have had gone far since it was literally 5 minutes of me in the changing room. "Jimin! Jungkook! Min Jimin! Min Jungkook!" I kept shouting their name as I ran through each aisle of the store. Where could they have gone? After 40 minutes of not being able to find them, I saw a little foot sticking out from behind the clothing rack. You know, the ones in a circle where it's just enough to fit two toddlers? Well to my surprise I heard to y whispers and well as small giggles. I was fuming. I pulled back the clothes to the side and saw my two boys looking up at me.

"Dada you found us!" Jungkook squealed happily. But the smile wiped off both of their faces as they could see my face go red. I forcefully grabbed them up and dragged them to my cart. I wasn't proud of grabbing them that tightly but at that moment I didn't think about anything else.

"You two have crossed the line today! Don't you dare let go of the this cart or else I will spank you in this store!" I said very sternly. They both got scared and had tears in their eyes, not daring to let go of the cart. I quickly went straight to the cashier and he asked if I had any trouble finding anything. I looked at the boys then turned back and politely said no. He paid me out and we put our things in a bag.

"Have a good day!" The young cashier said with a smile. I smiled back at him.

"Thank you, you too." I calmly walked out with the boys and headed straight to the car. "Get in the damn car both of you!" I ordered and they knew I was serious. I made sure I buckled them up then got in myself. I really tried to keep my cool but different scenarios of them getting kidnapped or something terrible ran through my head. We were about half way home when Jimin started kicking my seat. "I suggest you stop that Min Jimin!" I said but it continued.

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