Chapter 59

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Requested by Chim_97

Jimin 17

Jungkook 15

Jungkook POV:

"Jungkook, why is all of your school stuff in the living room? It's a mess out there!" Dad said as he leaned against the frame of my door. I put my phone down and gave him a shrug. Dad let out a breath. "Clean them up please! Also, clean your room, this is ridiculous." He said and left.

I rolled my eyes but I got up from my bed and headed to living room. I let out a loud sigh and started to pick up my things, not caring if they actually made it in my hand or if I just swung it around. I ended up kicking the pile of clothes towards my room sighing again.

"Jungkook," I looked up at Dad to see his famous warning look. A look where I knew it was time to stop joking around. I nodded my head to myself and quickly picked up the rest and headed to my room. It wasn't a lot of stuff, but it was a fair amount.

I dumped it in my bedroom and laid back down on my bed continuing the video that was paused. It wasn't long before I got interrupted again by a knock on my door.

I rolled my eyes. "Come in!" I shouted and it was Jimin hyung.

"Have you seen binder?" He asked. I made a face.

"How do you lose a binder?" I asked.

"Have you seen it or not?" I shook my head. He seemed a little frustrated which was understandable. "Where the fuck did it go?" He threw his hands in the air.

"Language!" I heard Dad holler from the kitchen which made Jimin hyung roll his eyes like I did. I couldn't help but laugh at his response.

"What?" He shut the door and walked over to me.

"It's funny because that's the same response I did." I explained and he let out a chuckle as well.

"I mean I love Dad, don't get me wrong, but shit, sometimes he's so much! His eyes are like hawks looking for prey." He said as he exaggerated opening his eyes. I laughed at his impression which was pretty similar to how Dad actually looked like.

As Jimin hyung and I sat on my bed watching more videos I heard the door knock and Dad walked in.

"I thought I told you to clean your room." He said looking at me. "And did you?"

"Well, obviously not!" I sassed which in return, I got glared at. "Sorry. I didn't clean my room. I will do it tomorrow." I quickly apologized.

"You better check yourself because I don't have much patience left when it comes to you being disrespectful. Clean your room." He warned and I nodded. Dad turned to Jimin hyung. "Did you find your binder?"

Hyung shook his head. "Nope. I think I left it at school." Dad raised his eyebrows.

"You know your responsibilities, right?" Jimin hyung nodded his head. "Okay," Dad mumbled and left the room. We both looked at each other making drained out faces then laughing. I didn't mean to be rude to Dad but he was a lot sometimes.

"YoU kNoW YOur ResPOnSiBiLItIeS, riGHt?" I mocked as I stood up and positioned myself like Dad was. Jimin hyung laughed as he stood up and did a similar pose.

"YOu'Re oN tHiN ICe, I'd wAtCh YoUr ATTitUdE iF I wERe YoU!" Jimin hyung said in a deep voice that didn't sound like Dad at all. We continued to say phrases that he would always say when we were in trouble for a while, laughing our heads off.

"I think it's so dumb that Dad is always on our ass about all of these things. Why can't he just chill and let us handle it?" I asked as I plopped on my bed. Jimin hyung gave a shrug.

"I know! He's always like, 'do better at this', 'finish your homework', 'stop fighting'. We know but it just doesn't work sometimes!" He said as I stood up. I repeated some of the phrases he mentioned, striking my best Dad pose.

"Ahem." Jimin hyung and I whipped our heads to the door to see Dad leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed. For a minute everything was silent and Dad didn't look very happy until he couldn't his laughter any longer and spilled it out grabbing his stomach. Jimin hyung and I just looked at each other.

"Dad, we can explain," Jimin hyung said but Dad shook his head, still laughing.

"Is that what I really look like?" He asked and that was when we knew he wasn't angry. We started laughing together as Dad walked in.

"I mean, it's exaggerated, but you do kind of look like that." I said. He gave me a smile as he ruffled my hair.

"It's not very nice though. Don't make fun of people." He warned. I decided to push it.

"What if I keep doing it?" I asked and he landed a smack on my thigh.

"That's what you're going to get!" He said but we all laughed it off. "And you! You come here!" He said to Jimin hyung. He walked over to Dad and as soon as he stood in front of him, Dad flicked his finger on Jimin hyung's forehead.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Jimin hyung complained.

"That's what you get for swearing!" Dad made a face to Jimin hyung and he pouted before laughing.

"Dad, serious question! And I don't want to make it seem rude or disrespectful in any way!" Jimin hyung started and Dad gave a nod. "Do you trust us wholeheartedly?" He asked.

"In what way?" Dad asked back for clarification.

"I mean, do you trust us to do well in school and to be honest to people and that kind of stuff. Do you trust us?" He asked again and I saw Dad hum.

"I trust you both with my life. Although I keep scolding you and nag at you, I trust you wholeheartedly with anything. You two are very mature and respectful to the people around you. Yes, you guys get into fights and sometimes have arguments with each other and me, but I think that's just a part of growing up." Dad's words went straight to my heart. I looked over at Jimin hyung blushing. "What made you ask that question?" Dad said to Jimin hyung.

"Well, I just thought maybe because you remind us to do things, that you don't trust us to do it on our own." He shyly said. Dad thought for a moment.

"I didn't of it like that. I'm sorry if you thought that way. I do it to remind you because we often forget, but if you want, I can try to hold off with the reminding if you feel like that's going to work better. How about that?" He asked and Jimin hyung nodded his head. Dad looked at me and I nodded my head too.

"Thanks, Dad, for listening. I feel like it been so long since we've actually sat down and had a conversation since we're all so busy." Jimin hyung said and we all looked away because we knew it was true.

"I'm sorry boys. I'll try to sit down and talk more often. It's good for us to talk and I agree that we haven't gotten a chance to do that lately." He said and he both shook our heads, telling him that it wasn't his fault.

We spent the night talking about what we've been up to lately and got to hear some old stories from Dad which were my favourite. It definitely was good for us to talk to each other and the bond we had between all three of us grew stronger tonight.

A/n: Hi this was is a fun one because next chapter is going to be a lot more somber and have a trigger warning. Thank you for stopping by and reading. I haven't been posting lately because I've been so busy and requests keep coming in! SO! FOR THE TIME BEING, REQUESTS WILL BE CLOSED! I will let you know when requests will be back open but for now, I will not be taking any requests. Sorry but I just feel a little overwhelmed and I know people are waiting for theirs. Be kind to yourself and others. Love you guys

QOTD: What is something you want? I want you guys to be happy and healthy <3 

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