Chapter 4

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Yoongi POV:

"Daddy you are mean!" Jimin shouted as he tried to stomp away. I stopped the shopping cart and looked at him. 

"No Jimin, don't you walk away from me. I am speaking to you!" I raised my voice. He stopped and turned around.

"But Daddy!" He whined.

"No I told you. Sometimes you don't get everything you want. You have to earn it or make it work and this time it is not happening." I explained trying to throw in a life lesson to my child. He didn't take it well.

"But Dadddddd! I want it!" He threw himself on the floor. I knew this was going to result in a tantrum so I did the best thing you could possibly do. Just ignore him and walk away. It might sound cruel but if they don't get any attention or if I don't give in they know it's not going to work.

"Listen to me Jimin. We are not getting the toy and I know that you are tired and Jungkook is falling asleep in the cart so we need to get home." I explained. He started flinging his arms around and that was my cue. I grabbed my cart with Jungkook in it and turned around to start heading the opposite direction of Jimin. He continued on for a good minute, then he stopped and gave up. He walked back to me, crying.

"Dadaaaaa!" He cried. I looked at him.

"What is it?" I asked. He glared at me.

"I want the toy! I WANT IT!" He screamed. This was getting worse. I stopped pushing the cart and made sure there was no one around. I got close to him and lowered my voice.

"Min Jimin, watch it! You are in very hot water and if you continue this, it is only going to get worse on your part. This ends now!" I said sternly. It didn't stop. He sat on the floor bawling his eyes out. I picked him up and went to checkout.

"Hello sir did you find everything you needed?" A woman asked as she rang everything I nodded my head as Jimin kept screaming. "Do you need a bag?" I shook my head. She was quick which I appreciated.

"Thank you." I said and I quickly walked out of the store with a cart full of groceries and Jimin in my arms. Jungkook had completely passed out and was sound asleep. I put Jimin in the car and I put the food in the trunk. My older one screamed the entire time and I was getting sick of it. I proceeded to strap both my boys in and I got in the drivers seat.

"Daddy you are mean to me!" He screamed.

"Min Jimin! Stop this right now! When we go home you are going to find a corner and not get out until I tell you to. This is unacceptable!" I raised my voice. He started to cry harder and I drove off. It was only 10 minutes from the store to the house yet it felt way longer this time. I finally parked the car and unbuckled both of the boys. Jimin was tired by now.

"Dada." He started.

"Go find a corner." I cut him off. It felt bad but I couldn't do anything else. He ran out and got in the house. I took Jungkook to his room where I laid him on his bed. I got all the groceries and shut the garage. I checked on Jimin and found him not in a corner but on the floor playing with the pink rabbit they named Buna.

"Jimin!" My voice was loud. He jumped when I called his name. "Come here!" He just sat there crying again. I didn't buy in. "Dry those tears and come here!" I was close to shouting. He ran up to me and threw his body wanting a hug but I rejected him and stood him in front of me. "No Jimin. What did I tell you to do?"

"No!!! Dada!!" He cried. He bounced his legs up and down. I grabbed his shoulders.

"What did I tell you to do?" I repeated.

"F-Find a corner." He hiccupped.

"Then why are you not doing it?" I stopped yelling and made my voice more stern.

"I don't know."

"You are not listening to Daddy and that is a big no no! You made this harder on yourself." I said. He did not stop crying.

"No Dada. I'm sorry. Minnie is sorry! Please don't spank me!" It was too late for that.

"You are definitely getting a spanking and if you continue this, I'm getting a belt!" I threatened. I was not going to get a belt. They were way too young to get a belt. I merely threatened so that the act would stop. He ran and stuck his nose in a corner and I sighed but went back to the kitchen to put food in the fridge. I heard sniffling coming around the corner and it broke my heart. I wanted to pull him out and rain him down in hug and kisses but I knew I couldn't do that. It was 8 minutes when I decided that I should let him out.

"Jimin. You can come out now." I said and he sat on the floor and cried more. I walked over to him and gently grabbed him and moved to the couch. "Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying so much?" I asked.

"Because." He hitched his breath.

"Because why?" I said rubbing his arms.

"Because Minnie was mean to Daddy and Minnie didn't mean to be mean or rude." He confessed. "And-and I made Daddy mad and scary. Please don't be mad at Minnie! Minnie is sensitive!" He cried. I hid a smile as it was really cute.

"Hey calm down you are going to make yourself sick. Shhh. It's okay." I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back.


"Shh. Calm down first. Breathe Jimin. Breathe." I took exaggerated breaths with him until he stopped crying and dried his tears. "Okay baby you okay?" I asked and he nodded.

"I am sorry for my actions at the store. Can we j-just get the ouchie part over?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes. I nodded my head and he leaned over. I took a deep breath before starting.


"Owie!" He said as he turned his head.


"Daddy!" He cried. Throwing his hand back. I paused.

"Baby you know better than to reach back. Please move your hand." I was giving him one chance. And he didn't take it.

"No! Daddy it hurts! I don't want it!" He said rubbing his butt. I grabbed his arm and smack his bum three times really fast.

"Maybe you shouldn't have been so disrespectful in at the store baby." I said as I spanked his left cheek.

"Minnie just wanted a toy!" He shouted as I continued to make his bottom pink.

"Is Jimin going to yell and scream and have a temper tantrum at the store again?" I asked as I paused.

"No! No! Ouchie Daddy!" He cried.

"Jimin breathe and give me a straight answer." I rubbed his back as he took a deep breath.

"Minnie is not going to be bad at the store. No sir!" He said. I nodded my head and finished the spanking there. I immediately grabbed him and hugged him tight.

"Oh my baby! Daddy loves you. You know that right?" I said as I rubbed his back. He nodded.

"Minnie loves Daddy more!" He said.

"Well Daddy loves Jimin and Jungkook most!" I replied and got a giggle from my boy.

"Dada, did you buy milk?" He asked.

"Does Jimin want some milk?" He nodded his head and he ran out forgetting all about the heat coming home his butt.

A/N: hello! Some people messaged me to talk about their mother and Yoongi's wife so I'm going to do that next chapter and I don't think their will be any spanking in that chapter. Sorry! But please suggest me some prompts!! Love y'all!  

2021 A/n: jesus again with the prompts!! Sorry to everyone who read "give me prompts" for every chapter. Also, wtf kind of ending is that?? "Do you want some milk?" Lol gross. Be kind to yourself and others. Love you guys

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