Chapter 10

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"No fucking way!!" Pansy and i shouted in unison.

"That's when i left quickly but i know i heard right" Millie said trying not to laugh. I don't know if i'm shocked or happy.

Draco Malfoy saying my name while he's pleasing himself in the shower.

I giggled turning around on the bench to get up but being met with a brown haired boy with a stupid scar.

"Hey" He spoke. I looked at Pansy and Millie before turning to him again. They nodded for me to go on but wouldn't help me. Bitches!

"Can i help you?" i said curiously. he was staring at me with a sad smile.

"I didn't see you on saturday-" he started.

"I was out" i cut him off. He nodded in understanding i fake smiled back and got up.

"I have to go" i lied and started to walk in the opposite direction.

"Wait!" he called and i turned around.

"What harry?!" i said annoyed.

I looked back at him and he smiled then sighed. I could hear the girls giggling behind me and they gasped suddenly. "oh my god" Pansy whispered laughing.

Before i could ask what they were talking about harry started talking.

"Look i'm sorry. I heard things and when i saw you i felt almost- i don't know- connected. It's sounds stupid but i just wanted to apologise. I can't change anyone and i know that but i know there's good slytherins and i hope we can be good friends" he said smiling seeming almost tired. That's funny because when i first saw Harry i felt a burning in my heart. Not like a feeling though, more like a magnet kind of sense.

I just stood still looking at him confused. Why is he apologising now? But before i could respond he hugged me tightly. i forcefully pulled away from him and put his hands back to his own chest. he looked down at my hands noticing my ring. I might not like this arrangement but i sure do like this ring. 

"So it's true" he said deeply. Completely shrugging away my hands.

"Potter i-" i started

"Yes it is pottah, problem?" a low voice called from behind me. I jump a little when i feel dracos hands slither round my hips. That's what the girls were laughing at. They must have seen him walk in. He spins me round and lifted up my head slightly with his finger, pulling our faces closer and closer by the second.

"All.... mine" he breathed. He was completely in control it was like i was frozen. i just cluelessly stood there looking from his eyes to his lips.

Not this again. Especially not where most people in the halls attention we had attracts by now.

"I'm talk to you later Olivia." harry said awkwardly. We snapped back into reality and faced towards harry. i realised how close we were and tried to pull myself from him but he held me tighter every time i breathed.

"Yeah, don't come back!" Draco yelled towards him but Harry looked at him and stuck up his finger.

He raised his eyebrow and i giggled slightly.

He pushed away from me and we turned our attention towards millicent when she spoke. "Nice shower?" She asked. He went stiff for a moment.

"H-how'd you know i had a shower?" he asked nervously.

"Umm because your hairs wet!?" She exclaimed. He breathed a sigh of relief. I let out a small chuckle and he looked between me pansy a millie, suspiciously. The girls stood up and told me they'd wait in the common room until next period. He leaned over and got something out of his bag as they walked off.

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