Chapter 17

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TW: Violence and sexual content

The next morning i woke up with a strong sting in my head and i opened my eyes to find myself once again not in my own bed.

Why is it after parties i always end up in someone else's bed.

The bed moved beside me where someone has turned around.

And for merlin sakes why is it always him.

I turned and found Malfoy with his arms tightly pressed against me. I jumped slightly and tried to move away but his grip was so strong. His eyes twitched and i realised i just woke him up.

"Liv? what the fuck are you doing here?" He asked confused and let me go from his grip.

"I don't know i blacked out!" I said i stood up, rubbing my eyes and his eyebrows raised slightly as his eyes fell elsewhere. "I literally don't remember anythi-" i stopped as i spun around and came face to face with Dracos huge mirror which hung opposite his bed.

Thank fuck no one else was in here.

"Shit!!!" i screamed and jumped back into the bed, covering my naked body with the covers. I breathed a couple times before speaking again. "Did we..." He lifted the covers slightly by the look on his face i knew the answer. "No, no it's probably just a coincidence!! i would never have sex with you! We were really drunk anyways and so it's probably just a misunderstanding." i reassured myself.

I reached down on the floor and grabbed a large t-shirt which smelt only of him and pulled it over myself.

I picked up my underwear which were sprawled somewhere on the floor and quickly went to the bathroom. I grabbed a vile named 'for hangovers' and downed it.

When i left the bathroom after examining my fucked up state, Draco was getting up and his boxers hung so effortlessly from his toned body. Fuck i lied earlier. Obviously i want to have sex with him - but who wouldn't?

As i tore my eyes away from him, walking to the door he grabbed my arm stopping me.

"what?" i asked trying my best to forget his presence but it was quite hard.

"Wow. My fiancé thinks she's pretty cool now seeing as she's a horcrux and all-" I cut him off as soon as possible before pushing him up against the wall and putting my finger to his lips to shush him. I completely forgot about it. My task as well.

"will you keep your big fucking mouth shut?"i said and he gave me a deathly glare. Oops "respectfully" i said before trying to run out the door but he grabbed my arm and switched positions so i was now slammed against the wall.

"think you'd get away with those words?" he whispered. The sexual tension between us was astronomical. He looked at my lips as i looked at his. "You know something happened last night you're just to stubborn to admit it"

"It didn't happen. Plus i'm not stubborn i just don't want your abnormally large ego getting larger."

"you are really testing my patience parker" he spoke again.

"Well, breakfast is ready, and your keeping me from eating. You don't wanna be the reason i die of starvation do you?" i exaggerated and he raised an eyebrow before finally letting me go. as i walked out the door i bit my lip and winked slightly towards him, i could see the effect i had on him but i'd rather piss him off.

I need to do my task though. I'll do it after breakfast when nobody is in the dorms. Apparently she has a fever, so Harry had to go by himself in potions.

I quickly ran to my dorm, took a quick shower and got changed into some actual clothes. It's Sunday but our teachers insisted we visit hogsmead today rather than any other decent day. I put on some cranberry and grape perfume- this is my favourite, i got given it from my grandma on my 13th birthday and have used it ever since then, the brand is Cherverly Acre.

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