Chapter 23

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To say sorry for taking forever to write another chapter, here's a long one :)

The contrast of pink and oranges beamed at my eyes as i adjusted to the new morning light. I wiped my makeup stained face, noticing the knives slashing the inside of my brain.

Why do good nights always result in bad hangovers? like what's the point?

I close my eyes again, trying to submerge the pain. Suddenly, something slithers around my waist. Oh for fuck sakes. I look at Malfoy deeply sleeping in his bed, no shirt just flashing his gorgeous body off so effortlessly.

I sat up, a cold shiver tickling my skin. I found myself tugging the soft duvet closer to my bare body.


A groan left my mouth as i threw my head back against the headboard.

"well i must say, last time i heard you make that noise it was a little more pleasurable" a deep, raspy voice spoke.

I look down to see Malfoy covering his face with his right arm, a smirk poking through.

"oh shut it, dickhead" i snapped. "where's those hangover shots? my head is throbbing"

"We ran out. Sorry princess" Draco wiped his eyes and sat up. His eyes shifting towards the duvet hugging my chest.

"We had a party and you didn't think to get hangover shots? Are you fucking joking?"

"Was the least of my concerns, Parker. Do you remember anything from the last couple days?" He shot back. I didn't know how or what to reply. If i'm being honest, i didn't want to remember. Last night was an escape from reality and now i have to deal with it all again.

I searched for a top in arms reach that i could grab for a bit of privacy but i heard a small chuckle beside me as my eyes landed onto a black t-shirt at the end of the bed. Too far to reach without flashing something.

Hold on i thought i went back to the party last night?

"You just couldn't get enough of me, could you liv?" he whispered, grinning more as each word left his mouth.

A hint of shock displayed across my face and he looked over at me, creating eye contact. "don't worry yourself, i don't remember either. But it's fairly obvious what happened." he added.

I sighed. "can you just pass me a top, i want to go back to my own room." He rolled his eyes but leant over the bed, picking up a back t-shirt off the floor.

I slipped it on, ensuring a strong whiff of his cologne that he drenches himself in. He smirked at the sight of me in his clothing.

I stood up, the T-shirt just reaching the midst of my thighs. I awkwardly squatted down to the floor reaching my underwear and putting them back on. I put my skirt back on and collected the rest of my things. I went into the bathroom and messily tied my hair up to disguise the awful mess it was currently in.

When i walked out Draco was stood up with his boxers on, sitting perfectly around his waist showing off his toned body and his big di- ... legs.

Before i got to the door he stood in front of it. "why do you do this every time?" he said, annoyed. He knew i was going to question what he means so he spoke for me. "Don't act clueless as if you don't know. You stay over and then leave as if you hate me and we've already established that you don't."

"I was drunk. We were drunk."

"We were laced with vertiserum, don't give me that bullshit Parker"

I went to slip past him, and reach for the door but he grabbed my wait and pushed me against it. "You can continue to convince yourself it was an "accident" but the real question is, Parker, do you actually regret it?" he murmured against my skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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