Chapter 14

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It's been a couple weeks since the new students arrived, me and draco never stop arguing which is kind of surprising and i barely ever see pansy anymore.

I was sat with Blaise and Millie when the other boys and Astoria walked in.

Draco sat next to Astoria and started sliding his hand up her thigh. He stopped at the hem of her skirt and she giggled quietly.

"woah, okay what's happening with you two?!!" i questioned, confused.

"oh.. nothing" Astoria stated quietly giving me a little smirk.

"you call the past weeks nothing?" Draco whispered, loud enough for the rest of us to hear, in her ear sarcastically as he put his hand on his heart.

"What the hell Malfoy!! And Astoria how is that fair? After everything with Theo as well!" i laughed trying to hide my annoyance.

"i'm sorry! i didn't think you'd be mad, you said that you didn't like him anyways" she furrowed her brows.

"Look it's not a big deal Parker, it's just for a while until things become more serious between us" Malfoy spoke.

"You don't understand, that doesn't suddenly make it okay!" i said shocked

"Yeah Malfoy that's fucked up." Blaise agreed and Draco rolled his eyes in response.

I understand me a Draco aren't exactly all that but for him to be seeing someone although with me, even though forced, doesn't sit right. In addition to me thinking Astoria was something more than forgotten is ridiculous.

She's thirsty for attention.

"first my bestfriend goes missing, then my fake husband gets with a hypocrite slut because he's bored"

"Pansy isn't missing she's just always with that Daniel guy, and for you to call her a slut is way out of your place!" Argued Draco.

"Yet for you to sleep with a girl who's yet to be married just as your about to be married as well is not? This is insane! Oh my fucking god i can't deal with this right now."

"I'm sorry Olivia i didn't realise you would be this upset it's just a big misunderstanding that's all" Astoria added.

"Yet your still going to do it right?"

The both kept quiet with their heads down. Millie hugged me from the side as Blaise sighed. Theo looked down embarrassed as well. This is his fault too, if he didn't sleep with that Alice girl or whatever her name was we wouldn't be in this mess because Astoria Slutty Greengrass wouldn't be all over the boy that's mine!!

I looked towards him. "Yeah whatever. Come talk to me again once when you've grown up and realised your in the wrong Malfoy" I then looked towards her. "And you. Shame on me for thinking you were anything more than forgotten"

I sighed and walked away towards the doors. Millicent got up after me slightly behind though. "She right Draco. One minute your telling her nobody else can touch her and the next your sleeping around, just admit it, you like her! it's obvious and once you start to man up and stop being a fucking dickhead you'll realise that and start to notice what your missing." she whisper yelled, soon after catching up to me and linking arms.

"Sorry about him. i though you would change him but i guess some people don't change." she rested her head in my shoulder and sighed.

We walked to class and she tried everything in her power to distract me.

I just wish i didn't care.

but the past few weeks just being around him. It's like 'old times' and how could i forget that?

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