Chapter 3

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"No way so you actually have to marry him?" Liza exclaimed. I nodded in return and she giggled. Liza was a beautiful dark skin girl with crazy curly hair and the brightest smile. She's been my number one since even before Cassiopeia and she already had a feeling i would have to become a death eater ever since my older brother went to Azkaban.

He got caught being involved in some serious dark magic society at Hogwarts and so he's been locked up for a while now. Since he couldn't fulfil the Dark Lords wishes i had to take his place.

Dani was my other favourite gal. She had beautiful red hair and dots of art scattered about her slim face. I met her in second year when she transferred from Beauxbatons because she couldn't understand anyone.

"I'm so pissed you have to move, you were my favourite bitch to annoy" Tom spoke sarcastically. He was a tall dark haired boy with an intimidating face but a soft inside. He is currently dating Liza. I've known him since fourth year, when he became more popular because of his puberty hit.

"Yeah now we can't sneak into your room at 3 am" Marcus spoke with that stupid hot grin on his face. He was a tall brown haired boy with strong facial features and he was the seeker of Cassiopeia academy quidditch.

"I'm gonna miss you guys too" Marcus hugged me and the as we pulled out of it he cupped my face and leant in before-

"Ah look what we have here!" I rolled my eyes and pushed myself away from him.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" i asked annoyed.

"That's Draco? Damn Liv you didn't mention he was hot!" Dani laughed and i elbowed her in the ribs.

He gave a cocky grin her way as i turned back to face him and he looked at me raising an eyebrow. He has three people behind him: A chubbier boy- i recognised him as Vincent Crabbe, another tall boy with a slight fatter face, Gregory goyle and a girl around the same height as me with a puffy ponytail and a puggish face though i didn't recognise her. "Do i need to repeat myself?" i asked again.

"Yes, that would be great thanks." he answered still holding that stupid smirk on his face. I raised an eyebrow walking up to him and looking up towards him. Although i was a lot smaller than him i still was just as intimidating.

"I know you heard me quite clearly Malfoy. Just like yesterday when i quite clearly said where i was going. It looks like you've followed me here.. are you that obsessed?" The girl next to Malfoy giggled slightly until Draco stared her down and she stopped.

"Just came for a walk, don't flatter yourself love" he spoke quickly. I looked away from him diverting my attention to someone else.

"Wow Goyle, looks like you finally have a few hairs under your chin" i spoke insultingly.

"Shut up parker" he gritted his teeth and i stuck up my middle finger smiling sarcastically.

"Jesus Goyle what's the deal with you and Parker?" Crabbe spoke from next to him. He death stares me before speaking back.

"Me dad married isobel but the slut she was divorced him for that git Parker" he spoke rudely. My eyes widened with how he spoke about my mother.

"Hmm for the best, couldn't risk getting your ugly fucking genes could i?" i defended.

"Who the fuck even is this liv?" Liza spoke with attitude raising her eyebrow towards him.

"Right. Guys, meet Gregory Goyle my ugly fucking ex step brother." Liza gasped and so did the girl on Malfoys left. "Mum married his dad yet luckily got divorced" i told.

"No way!" the girl yelled.

He death stares me and i bitch faces him back. We never got along.

We parted not long after that and for the rest of the day my group and i got lunch then shopped and eventually went home, sneaking Marcus along with me.

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