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It was the end of the day Izuku was in shinsou's room  lying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling sadly as shinsou did his homework at his desk.


No response.

"Stop with the sulking." Shinsou exasperatedly stood up from his seat and pulled at the toddler's cheeks.

"Why won't you smile you know frowning gives you wrinkles." He muttered concerned  pulling at the sides of his mouth.

"I'm three?!" Izuku exclaimed rubbing his sore cheeks.

"Yea and you don't wanna look like an old man by 6 do you?" He asked as Izuku gave a muffled response.

He wanted to do something to help him or at least make him feel better but....

*knock knock*

"Can I come in?" A voice from the other side of the room asked.

"Yes ." Shinso answered.

Aizawa and Nezu entered, "Izuku we found someone who wants to see you."

Izuku rapidly sat up his eyes widened and glistened brightly, "Who! Who! Has Nii-Chan finally come!" He bounced up and down on the bed excitedly.

"Izu careful not to bounce too much on the bed." Shinso muttered worriedly.

"Oh yea sorry toshi!"Izuku stopped bouncing but his animated face was still lit up.

"We have someone even better!" Nezu exclaimed.

"Huh? No one is better than nii-Chan?" Izuku pondered with a puzzled expression.

"Toga-Chan?" He asked.

"No it's..."

"Chicken wings-San?" Izuku interrupted.

"I'm not quite sure who that is." Nezu sweat dropped.

"Oh...." Izuku's shoulders dropped and he buried his face into the bedsheets curling up into a ball which left the 2 teachers and student panicked. 

"Izu-" Nezu started but Izuku let and long sigh out. 

Aizawa knelt beside the bed and lifted the boy's head revealing teary wide green eyes.

"Izuku I'm sure the person who you are about to meet misses you so so much so why not give it a try." Aizawa smiled gently stroking the boys' hair.

"Don't wanna." Izuku sniffles rubbing his eyes  and pouting angrily.


"Hmmmm maybe." Izuku pondered he trusted Mr Zawa.

"See and I'll go with you if you like we can get ice-cream after." He persuaded.

"Ice-cream.." Izuku thoughtfully whispered thinking about the outing he had a few weeks back.

Maybe if they went to the same place, Hawks-San would be there!

"Ok den I-I'll go." 

The next morning

Izuku dressed up in a grey cat eared hoodie (curtesy of Aizawa) and wore some blue shorts. Aizawa held out his hand for the little child to hold and the toddler squeezed the bigger hand worriedly.

"Hey, you'll be ok" Aizawa assures Izuku as he nodded.


" a hoptital?" Izuku pulled on Aizawa's cloak.

Raised by Villains- baby midoriya fanfic BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now