Slumber P A R T Y

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"Izuku you have to eat it." Shigaraki was trying to persuade our little green bean to eat.

"No way!" Izuku huffed pouting and turning away.

"Where'd you get this attitude from!" Shigaraki yelled.

"What are you Izuku?" Dabi asked in his bored voice

"A QUEEN!" Izuku yelled.

"And what do Queens do?" Dabi asks.

"SLAY!" Izuku jumped up and down.

"Do we do what Shigaraki says?" Dabi laughs.

"Never!" Izuku states proudly.

"Izuku but broccoli was your favorite vegetable!" Shigaraki sighed.

"But It's canning a bull!" Izuku cried.

"Canning a bull? Why are we putting bull's in a can?" Shigaraki asked.

"CANNING A BULL!" Izuku was now crying.

"Crap what do I do now..." shigaraki muttered to himself.

"Izuku who said we were canning bull's?" Dabi asked walking towards them.

"Marbles-San!" Izuku sniffed.

"What did he say?"


Izuku was happily sitting on a chair swinging his little legs with a plate of broccoli on his lap whilst watching T.V.

"Oh my Izuku!" MrCompress exclaimed.

"Hi-hi!" Izuku said happily

"Are you eating what I think you ate eating?"

"Brock!" Izuku said ecstatically holding one up to MrCompress

"Oh no this is not good at all." MrCompress said shaking his head disappointedly.

"Hmm?" Izuku asked lowering the broccoli and leaning towards Mr Compress's face.

Mr Compress blushed slightly by his adorable gesture.

"You see that's cannibalism Izuku!" Mr Compress exclaimed

"What?" Izuku asked worriedly.

"Cannibalism where you eat your own kind!!" He explained.

"It would be like Toga eating a little female dog...." he whispered to himself

"What?" Izuku asked tilting his head.

"Nothing Just Look!" Mr Compress brings out his phone and flips the camera so Izuku can see his face.

"You see this." Mr Compress says ruffling Izuku's hair.

"Yes." Izuku says seriously staring intensely at his reflection.

"What colour is it?" Mr Compress asked.

"Dat's green!" Izuku said getting slightly excited over the mention of colours.

"Yes and you see the broccoli!?" Mr Compress asked.

"Green......" Izuku whispered worriedly.

"Exactly!" Mr Compress said squishing the boys cheeks.

Flashback over

"Green! Broco is green like Izu!" Izuku wailed.

"Oh so that why." Dabi reasoned.

"Izu listen you aren't a broccoli!" Shigaraki groaned.

"How do yooouuuuuu know?" Izuku asked.

"Does the broccoli have eyes? No! Ears? No! Limbs? NO?" Shigaraki explained.

Raised by Villains- baby midoriya fanfic BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now