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After running for a while and finally entering the portal Kurogiri had previously made for them they finally arrived at their base.

"Is he.....is he ok." Toga whispered to Dabi.

"Yes he's fine he's just sleeping, I think he was just too overwhelmed." Dabi said nodding at the child in his arms, "But seriously Shigraraki what the f*ck was that." Dabi's once softened gaze turned into a disgusted glare looking over at the bluenette.

"Didn't you hear him! I don't know what lies they've been telling them but you should have just let me kill that woman right there and then." Shigaraki gave a disgruntled shout whilst vigorously scratching his neck.

"Yea just kill his mom right in front of him, don't you think things through." Dabi shouted back.

"She's not his mom." Shigaraki argued.

"Whether you'd like to think she isn't or she is, to Izuku, he's been told that she is and to be honest I'd rather not sully his mind with horrifying images of his mother disintegrating right before him." Dabi monotoned.

Shigaraki just tsked.

"Can I hold him." Toga whispered.

"Mhm Toga? Oh sure." Dabi stated about to pass the sleeping boy other to Toga but he gripped onto Dabi's shirt like a lifeline.

".....don't..." Izuku muttered in his sleep.

"I think he's having a nightmare," Dabi said stroking his back, "You'll see him when he wakes up." Dabi muttered before slumping on the couch deciding he might as well have a nap too.

"This is infuriating." Shigaraki grumbled underneath his breath before storming off.

"I'll just stay here." Toga mumbled making herself comfortable on the carpeted floor and resting her head on the arm of the couch.

Dabi opened and eye to see she had already dozed off, he muttered something about them all being tired and decided to sleep as well


Izuku woke up. He looked around and he wasn't in U.A, he didn't think he was in the hospital either. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and blinked a few times.

Dabi realizing the weight on his chest was shifting opened his eyes to reveal a sleepy, confused looking Izuku looking around.

"Good morning sleepy head." Dabi croaked in a sleepy voice putting his hand on top of Izuku!s head, Izuku flinched a little, which Dabi frowned at, but the toddler came to face him.

"Nii-Chan?" Izuku whispered gently touching Dabi's face, so as to check if he was real.

"Yup, it's Nii-Chan." Dabi smiled at his cute antics, he had missed them .....but his smile was quickly replace with a worried look as he could see tears start to well up in Izuku's eyes, quickly he sat up and started bouncing Izuku on his lap to calm him down.

"Nii-Chan....you can't...not allowed." Izuku sniffled shuffling slightly away from him.

"Izuku careful you could fall." Dabi said bringing him closer to himself rubbing the child's back.

"Not allowed." Izuku said pushing himself away, shifting out of Dabi's lap and stepping away.

"Izuku." Dabi sighed. He would have been in awe at how cute he was right now if he wasn't so heartbroken. Izuku stood clutching the sides of his shirt to the point where his knuckles were white, his eyes were teary and glossy with his bed head sticking out.

Raised by Villains- baby midoriya fanfic BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now