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"Nii-Chan .....look .......lemme go to skool!" Izuku said dragging in his mini flip chart on a tripod with data, graphs and the pro's and con's of going to school, into Shigaraki's room.

"Izuku what on earth are you doing." Shigaraki asked sleepily sitting on his bed whilst Izuku jumped on his lap and thrust a chart in the older boy's face.

"What is this?" Shigaraki asked.

"Read!" Izuku squeaked happily.

"You want to go to real school huh." Shigaraki muttered

"65 percent of children dat go to skool will have a stable job in da FUTURE, you develop so-ci-al skills, opens up Ac-a-demic upper tulipie...." Izuku rambled.

"You mean opportunities." Shigaraki corrected.

"Upper tulipie........ and ...and I saw on da T.V box it was really fun!!!" Izuku explained seriously, pouting slightly.

"Ok, ok but and where, Izuku we can't just show up to a school and put you there." Shigaraki muttered.

"Tech-in-cally depriving a child of education is ILLEGALNESS!" Izuku reasoned.

Shigaraki rubbed his temples, "we will find a way ok."


"Kurogiri has been homeschooling him why does he need to go to a school." Dabi asked whilst they were having lunch.

"Nii-channnn I want to see REAL people!" Izuku whined.

"Real people? Aren't we real people?" Dabi asked.

"Other real people." Izuku pouted.

"You are cute when you do that face." Dabi poked his cheek.

Izuku just pouted more and blushed.

"We could take him to that nursery down the road, it's quite good and not too far." Kurogiri suggested.

"But who would take him if we took him we would have to look really sketchy and they might get suspicious and call the police...." Shigaraki reasoned.

"I could take him, get someone's blood and boom!" Toga offered.

"Toga-Chan gets to take me to school!" Izuku asked excitedly.

"Yea! I can even do it today then you get to go to school tomorrow morning!" Toga said excitedly.

"T-toga-Chan would do that for me....." izuku muttered blushing.

"I'D DIE FOR YOU MY PRECIOUS BABY CHILD!" Toga flung herself at Izu squeezing him in a massive bear hug.

"I'm still not sure about this." Dabi sighed.

"It'll be okay nii-Chan I'm very very strong n' if any bad guys come I'll just WOOOSSHH!" Izuku said activating his quirk.

"...........hmm." Dabi said still not convinced sure the kid's quirk was powerful but did he know how to control it? No.

"Hey Izuku if you are going to school you will need a bag and pencils should we go now?" Kurogiri asked.

"Let's go Kuro-San!" Izuku said climbing out of his chair and reaching his tiny hands for Kurogiri as the man picked him up.

"We'll be back in 1hr max." Kurogiri stated before opening a portal and leaving.

"I'm going to find a green haired chick and stab em, toodles boys~" Toga sang skipping out the door.

"Mood." Dabi muttered slurping up the rest of his lunch, ramen.

(Sponge bob narrator voice) 1 day later

Raised by Villains- baby midoriya fanfic BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now