Beach day!

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I hope you like this cute Animation I did the song was just to cute so yea baby Izuku had to sing it

Today was a hot summers day, the league were lazy and tired but not Izuku, no! 

"DAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBIIIIIIIIII OOOONNNNIIIIIII-CCCHHHHAAAAAAAAAAANNNN!" A whiney squeak was heard his voice echoing through the walls.

"Izuku stop screaming!" Yelled Shigaraki who was lazy sprawled across the couch.

"But...but Shiggy look." Izuku bounced into Shigaraki's lap as he gave a disgruntled 'oof' and the small boy pointed excitedly towards the T.V.

"Ye? What about it?" Shigaraki asked shuffling the small boy into a comfortable position.

"Issa peach!" Izuku yelled excitedly smile widening and eyes glistening.

"A peach?" Shigaraki asked questioningly.

"A peach wit the sun and sand and wat-erer!!!" Izuku was getting more and more excited.

"It's called a BE-ach Izuku,"  Dabi's said walking in and flinging himself on the edge of the couch, "it's too hot!" Dabi moaned tiredly.

"Dabi-Nii les go to da peach!" Izuku said now jumping on Dabi.

"Izu, peach is a fruit, also I'm tired!" Dabi said putting Izuku down on the floor and he pouted.

"Look nii-Chan da T.V box people are pwaying and havin' FUN!!!" Izuku pointed out.

"Nii-Chan always tense and sad but the peach is making people happy pweasseeee can we go to the happy place pweaaaaaaaasssssseeeeeeeee!" Izuku did puppy dog eyes on Dabi then turned to Shigaraki.

Dabi grunted he couldn't say no to that face.

"IM COMING IM ALREADY READDDDYYYYYY!" Toga basically broke down the door and stood dramatically in her very.... let's say 'showy' black Bikini.

"Toga! Wear that AT the pool not HERE!" Shigaraki screamed. Dabi covered Izuku's eyes as Kurogiri came in and swiftly slapped the back of her head.

"Ouchy! I just overheard your conversation and wanted to get in on the fun.." she whined.

"If we are going to go to the beach we might as well bring the whole league with us, make it like a retreat." Kurogiri suggested.

"Hmm  that might be a good idea but...a ton of villains can't just stroll down to the beach!" Shigaraki angrily muttered.

"My Dad owned this beach near where I live but it was for training purposes only, something happened and he decided to close it down and never use it again." Dabi muttered

"It on the far end of the city, outskirts, no knows about it." Dabi added on.

"Cool let's go!" Toga said jumping up.

"Es let's gooo!" Izuku squealed jumping into the psychopath's arms.

Shigaraki gave a low growl and stomped to pack his swim wear, kurogiri made a few quick calls, Dabi packed his and Izuku's stuff, Izuku wore a light orange baggy t-shirt with adorable brown denim shorts, Dabi  placed a cute yellow bucket hat on him little green curly strand of hair popping out cutely. 

Ding Dong.

That was the doorbell and when Kurogiri opened it he was met with Twice, Magne, Mr compress and Spinner. All but Mr Compress were wearing their summer outfits

Raised by Villains- baby midoriya fanfic BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now