So close.......

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Yup I drew that, I'm not that good at drawing or anything in general but yea, that's him and his bunny :) hope you enjoy this chapter...I mean you might not ENJOY it but like dsibhjgwswvhjdw just wait ;)

Btw ANGST and GORE warning. You have been warned so like :p

*The next day*

"Nii-Chan? " Izuku said he sleepily rubbed his eyes as he had just woken up.

"Mhm?" Dabi was at his desk reading something on his laptop.

"School?" Izuku asked sitting up in his bed and looking desperately at his brother "Urm...not today bunny..." Dabi muttered quietly.

"Oh, but i really wanna see Kurai-kun!" Izuku whined sadly.

Dabi stood up and patted his head, "hey it's ok, you'll see him another time, tell you what? How about we play a game?" Dabi asked smiling slightly.

"A game!" Izuku's eyes lit up.

"Mhm let's pretend we are going on a far away island! But first we need to pack all our clothes and necessities to survive don't we?" Dabi said.

"YEA! Cam I use my yellow bag?" Izuku asked happily.

" about that red one Shigaraki got you it's a bit bigger isn't it?" Dabi asked picking Izuku of the bed.

"Oh otay!" Izuku said running of to get it.

Dabi let out a sigh of relief.

*flashback last night*

Shigaraki called for a meeting between the league after putting Izuku to bed, it was now 10.00pm.

"We need to leave tomorrow night." He stated bluntly.

"What do you mean?" Toga asked.

"I mean we are packing our bags and finding a new place." Shigaraki muttered annoyed.

"Yea but why?" Dabi asked as confused as the rest of them.

" the hero's.....they are trying to get Izuku...look." Shigaraki said bringing out his phone and showing them and article it said, Missing: Small child, green hair and eyes, estimated 2-4 years old, spotted around xxxx street.

"That's where we got ice-cream that other day...." Toga quietly mumbled.

"If you guys had been more careful none of this would've happened!" Shigaraki angrily stated.

"Calm down there is no reason to argue. We just need to come up with a reasonable plan." Kurogiri wisely suggested.

"We leave tomorrow night, pack your sh*t and be ready by 9." Shigaraki said and slumped off.

"He's right if we had been more careful...."

Back to present

"Nii-Chan I found da bag, I'm gonna pack all my clothes and toys and kurogiri and books and......."

"Izuku, wait did you just say Kurogiri? Never mind, Izuku you need to pack things that you can carry."Dabi sighed.

"Essenswals??" Izuku reasoned.

"Yes but are ALL your toys essential?"

"Mmmmm not all. Only bunny!" Izuku squeaked hugging his bunny tightly.

"Ok good and what about your books which is your favorite? How about the three bear........"

"My clinical Ana-til-as of human Ana-tomy!" Izuku yelled.

Raised by Villains- baby midoriya fanfic BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now