Christmas special

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Once again another special

In this chapter : Izuku goes to pre-school, Kurai is Izuku's best friend and this has nothing to do with the actual story or plot :) but it does give a little background info.


*At pre-school*

"Class as you all possibly know Christmas is in a few days!" The pink haired teacher announced to the children.

"Kurai!" Izuku whisper shouted and poked his friend.

"Hmm?" Kurai turned around to face the bean.

"Christmas.....So cool!" Izuku said in awe.

"Yes my onee-san always decorates our house....Used to....decorate....." Kurai whispered back.

" My Toga-Chan, last year almost burned our house down!" Izuku smiled proudly whilst Kurai stared at the boy worriedly.

"We will be making Christmas cards for our loved ones our moms and dads, sisters and brothers,   Pick up a piece of card from the front and you can use colors, glitter and the paint around the room to decorate your card!" The teacher happily said.

Izuku, Kurai and the other toddlers walked up to the front and grabbed a piece of white card.

"Kurai-kun you are very good at folding the paper!" Izuku complimented his friend as Kurai was measuring his folds to be perfect.

"Do you want me to help you with yours?" Kurai asked as he saw Izuku struggling a little.

"Yes please!" Izuku happily passed his piece of card to Kurai as he folded it for him.

"Here you go.....I......why do you have all of those cards Izu-Chan?" Kurai asks confused as Izuku was stumbling towards him holding at least 8 pieces of card.

"I...Nii-Chan.....onee-Chan.....Hawks-San......" Izuku gasped dropping the cards in front of Kurai to fold for him.

"Wow! what about your mama and papa?" Kurai asked.

"Mama? Papa?" Izuku tilted his head confused.

"Mhm mama do you not have a mama?" Kurai asked gently.

"No.. I'm not sure. I have Nii-chan and Kuro-San...,I don't have the mama's or the papa's!" Izuku said.

"Oh." Kurai gasped.

"Kurai-kun? Do you have the mama and the papa?" Izuku asked excitedly.

"Yea...... I hate them both though." Kurai whispered.

"Why do you hate dem?" Izuku whispered back.

"You know the hero's....Toxic willow and eclipse....." Kurai whispered even quieter.

"YES theirquirksarereallystrongwhenitiswithincloserangebothofthemcomefromprestegiousfamiliesandhavebeenintheherobuisnessforsolongsoitisonlyexpectedthattheyare...." Izuku was cut of my Kurai's hand on his lip.

"Yea.....those are my mama and papa..." Kurai said.

"REALLY!" Izuku shouted as The whole class turned to them.

"Shshshs!" Kurai shushed him whilst Izuku tried to hide behind Kurai to stop the gazes on him.

"really." Izuku whispered.

"Yes everyone says they are so cool,  but they aren't, my onee-San ran away cause of them, she left me all alone........with them...And......and now.....they don't even care about me.....they ignore me.....they call me useless...I hate them. I hate hero's...." Kurai whisper shouted sadly on the brink of tears but was stopped when Izuku hugged him.

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