Going shopping part 2

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Sorry it took so long to update because I did it then went if the tab and it all got deleted I almost cried but you know no use in doing that but here it is

LOV has arrived in the shopping Centre as the last  person came tumbling out of the portal, doing a few rolls and landing harshly on her rear end.

"I thought we left you behind." Dabi said a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Luckily Toga didn't notice, "as if I would leave Zu all Alone with a bunch of creepers like you, now gimme." 

"No way! You don't look much better than us yourself," Dabi switched Izuku to the other side of him as Toga lunged at him. " Come on I think that shop has Baby clothes."

The odd little 'family' walked into the shop gaining several cautious eyes but also several coo's and awe's at the Baby who was excited and restlessly squirming and jumping in Dabi's arms when they passed people. Waving and trying to 'speak' to them. 

"This is embarrassing, Dabi can you stop him from bringing all this attention to us!" Shigaraki whisper shouted burrowing himself into his jumper even more.

"I'm trying but what exactly am I supposed to do!" Dabi whisper shouted back.

"I think the baby would like this." Kurogiri stated interrupting them and holding up an AllMight onesie.


Shigaraki was interrupted by small cries and Izuku trying to grab the piece of clothing from Kurogiri.

"Mhhhmnn ahhh!" Izu wailed stretching his tiny arms as far as they could go.

Kurogiri obviously gave him the onesie and once Izuku had it in his hands he snuggled it grabbing it tightly and rubbing it against his cheek.

"Ahaaaha!" He yelled suddenly holding it up in Dabi's face.

"Yes I see that Izu." Dabi droned.

"Bahhhhhbahhhhh wahahah!" Izuku explained to Dabi pushing the onesie even closer to Dabi's face.

"Oh yes, ye Izu that is.....that is a VERY convincing case you have there I think that you have persuaded us all." Dabi said playing along with Izuku.

"NO!" Shigaraki stomped his foot on the ground and crossed his arms like a child.

"Oh Shiggy! Let the kid have it just this once and when he is old enough we will explain to him." Toga said surprising everyone on how smart she had just sounded.

"Unless you want me to accidentally disintegrate him whenever I look at him then NO!" Shigaraki said viscously scratching his neck.

Izuku was a smart baby. He realized that Shiggy was sad. He didn't like it when people were sad. Dropping the onesie on the floor he reached out to Shiggy tears welling up in his big viridescent eyes.

"What's wrong  Izu." Dabi asked bobbing the baby up and down to calm him down.

Izu continued to make grabby hands at Shigaraki.

"He wants me?" Shigaraki answered unsurely of himself.

Dabi passed Izuku over to Shigaraki as his sniffles died down and Izuku clutched tightly into Shugaraki's sweater his face smashed against his chest as if the world would end if he let go!

"I think little izuku saw you were upset and wanted to make sure you were alright." Kurogiri suggested his idea as Toga and Dabi just nodded their heads.

Raised by Villains- baby midoriya fanfic BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now