Don't..... leave me

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Izuku  woke up. He didn't know when he fell asleep but he was awake now. He sat up in the bed. Wait why was he in bed? It didn't smell like his bed or Dabi's bed. He rubbed his eyes and sleepily  looked around the room. It wasn't any room he was familiar with? It had cream white walls, a small window and weird machine things and tools. 

"Nii-Chan?" Izuku said quietly hoping his Nii-Chan was somewhere around here.

No reply.

"Kuro-San?" Maybe Kurogiri was here, he sat up  in the bed and looked around the small room.

Nope Kurogiri wasn't here either.

Izuku climbed out of the bed and jumped down onto the floor. His bunny flopped right after him. At least bunny came.

"Nii-Chan???" Izuku said looking under the bed in hopes his nii-Chan was there. Not there either. The silence was scary for Izuku.

"Nii-Chan??" Izuku looked behind the long curtains, behind the big bleeping machines, inside the drawers full of weird looking tools.

But no Nii-Chan, Onee-Chan or Kuro-San we're spotted.

Then he remembered. The memories came flooding back into his head. The Hero's, his family were hurt and taken away, Shiggy was sad, Dabi was sad, Toga was sad, and everything was just spinning and spinning.

"Spinning spinning." Izuku whispered clutching his head and curling up in a ball starting to cry silently but it then progressed into hysterical sobbing getting louder and louder.

"Hey! What's going on...." someone angrily said  entering  the room but Izuku didn't notice.

"Hey." The person said softly walking up to the boy "you are ok, I've got you ok." The person said softly, hugging the boy and rubbing his back  and whispering calm words in his ears.

"Oi bakugou what are you doing in here!?" A tired black haired man walked into the room.

"T-they're coming to g-get me." Izuku whispered into Bakugou's shirt not loud enough for Aizawa to hear but loud enough for Bakugo to hear.

" Izuku whispered into Bakugou's shirt not loud enough for Aizawa to hear but loud enough for Bakugo to hear

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"Shhs your safe, I promise I won't leave ok." Bakugou said uncharacteristically calmly ignoring Aizawa.

"Kaachan?" Izuku pulled away from him and finally looked at Bakugou properly.

"Yea, nerd." Bakugou said.

Izuku didn't say anything but hugged bakugou tighter.

"Bak-" Aizawa started.

"You shouldn't have done that." Bakugou said quitely.

"Done what?" Aizawa said sitting on the now empty bed.

"Look at him." Bakugou nodded at the child in his arms whose small figure was literally shaking in the older boys arms as he tried to regulate his breathing.

"He looks traumatized, I don' shouldn't have...?" Bakugou muttered angrily stroking the boy's hair.

"I tried to tell them it was child, maybe taking him without any fuss or drama. Leading him to safety but none of the hero's would listen to an underground hero like me." Aizawa sighed looking up.

"Izuku look at me." Aizawa bent down to Izuku's height as the boy slowly poked his eye out of Bakugou's shirt looking at him warily.

"I'm sorry." Aizawa said lowering his head, " we didn't mean to scare you we just wanted to help on behalf of all the hero's I apologize." He said humbly he suddenly gasped at what Izuku did next.

Izuku started to pet Aizawas' head in approval, "forgive you........but Nii-chan?" Izuku said whilst petting his head.

"Your Nii-chan are all right." Aizawa technically hadn't lied, the league did escape eventually and  had injuries that could be recovered quite quickly.

 A small smile broke out in the boy's face as he wiped his eyes messily. 

"Alright Nerd it's late go back to bed." Bakugou said but Izuku suddenly wrapped his arms around Bakugou tightly and refusing to let go.

"Please........ don't leave me." Izuku whispered gripping on to the boy tighter.

"It's ok if he goes to your dorm room for now as long as you promise to take care of him." Aizawa said.

"Ok." Bakugou stood up, took the small red bag next to his bed and carried Izuku normally walking to his room.

"Kaachan?" Izuku asked as they walked.

"Mhm." Bakugou grunted.

"D-don't leave me." Izuku whispered.

"I already told you I am not going to leave you alone." Bakugou said his words slightly harsh but his voice gentle as he opened his door and put izuku on his bed, Izuku still wouldn't let go of him.

 Bakugou sighed and pulled the cover over both of them. 

"Kaachan I can't sleep." Izuku said clutching Bakugou's arm.

"Mmh?" He thought trying to find a way to calm the boy down and get him relaxed enough to sleep.

Bakugou remembered the song his auntie used to sing to him as a kid. 

*his voice at 2:55 I'm crying too* Please listen to it it's one of my favorite songs T-T

He unconsciously started to sing it quietly stroking the toddlers hair as he did.

"M-mama." Izuku whispered sleepily.

"Izuku?" He asked but the nerd had already fallen asleep.

"What's this?" Bakugou said rubbing his eyes only to notice that he was crying, he laughed sadly.

"Auntie you son is so f*ckin cute and cries and looks just like you as well...."

"Come back, please." 

Sorry that Chapter was kind of short :p

But like, I tried to update this week as promised. I love love love your comments (even though half of you wanted to kill me in the last chapter :0) BUT I STILL LOVE THEM like it makes me so happy, when I see how much you like my book!!! 

(To the few minority who keep hating on this book,  I really dgaf and I can easily just delete your comments 😃)

But yea don't forget to vote and comment and yea! Love you all and hope you have a great week!

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