A little birthday surprise!

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Shigaraki is such a mood, i love this video, get's me every time! I sometimes feel bad for the dude, anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter hopefully I stick to routine soon for this story! Lol

Izuku's birthday was fast approaching, it was the 14th Of July and the League only had 1 DAY LEFT plan the most important day of the year!!!

*At the bar*

"So does anyone have any ideas?" Shigaraki asked impatiently.

"Why are you thinking so hard into this it's just some useless street kid?" Mr compress responded 

Wrong. Move.

Everyone just slowly turned their heads to face him their jaws hanging slightly open.

"Sorry?! WHAT WAS THAT I don't speak crap." Dabi replied angrily about to beat him up when Kurogiri held him back.

"What I'm just saying the truth??" Mr Compress asked confused.

"Hmmmmm," Toga said pulling out her knife "I'd try to see it from your perspective but... I don't think I can get my head that far up my....." She lunged at the dude with her knife as he quickly dodged.

"Jeez Louise! What's gotten into you lot!" He asked confused.

"Call our little bean useless again and you guarantee yourself a sad and painful death." Shigaraki stated.

Mr compress gulped and shrinked  into his seat slightly.

"Zuzu likes hero's..." Toga started.

"No." Shigaraki quickly shut down.

"He likes the color red." Dabi pointed out.

"How do you know and I always thought it would be green?" Twice asked

"When I was trying to teach him colors he would just call every color 'rwed' and only look and point at the red colored things, only giving me the red bricks to stack and only use the red crayon." Dabi simply said.

"Kawaii!"  The league whispered quietly imagining the scene in their heads.

"So something red! Ok what else!" Shigaraki said making notes.

"We could also do red foods and just make it like a red and white theme! He like to nibble on strawberries so that could be cool!" Toga rambled squealing occasionally because she was getting excited. 

"So now we know what we are doing let's...." Shigaraki was interrupted by tiny tiny footsteps.

"I-izuku?" Kurogiri gently said, they watched the small child take little steps. 1, 2 and then fell flat on his chubby little face!

"IZUKU!" they all rushed to the baby to see if he was ok.

"He really has got them wrapped up in his tiny finger." Sighed Mr compress as they cooed over Izuku congratulating him on walking and giving him pats on the head for trying so hard.

"Anyway!" Shigaraki stood up dusting himself "as I was saying we must assign our duties." 

"Can we not discuss him while he is here I know he probably doesn't understand but....it feels wrong." Toga sighed rubbing the back of her neck.

"Mmm true...ok kurogiri can you...." 

"Hi-higgggeeyyyyy!" Izuku made grabby hands at handjob.

"Tsk fine I'll put him on the couch in the other room to sleep, here is the paper kurogiri, you are in charge for now, I'll be back!" Shigaraki picked up Izuku much to the baby's delight and started to snuggled into him hugging him tightly.

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