Chapter 2: Leonardo Lionheart

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Professor Lionheart led the group into his office where Qrow explained the situation to him.

Lionheart: "I have to say Qrow, this all seems very reckless. Even for you"

Qrow: "No, reckless is leaving one of the relics completely unguarded. It's not checking in with Ozpin for ages"

Lionheart: "There was nothing to check in about before the fall of Beacon, but since that day, Mistral has been in chaos!" Lionheart stood up from his chair behind his desk in frustration, as he continued to speak, "Vale wasn't the only kingdom to suffer that night. Everyone was watching, every house, in every kingdom, saw that poor girl ripped to pieces, saw monsters crawling over the city, saw Atlesian Knights attacking citizens...and then nothing" he sighed, "You coul feel the dread in the air. With all that negativity you can imagine what it was like when the grimm came for us"

Lionheart turned to face the large window behind his chair, and began to walk to it slowly, "Mistral's control territory is the widest reaching in the world you know, and that makes it infintely harder to protect" his tone became sad, "We lost so many huntsmen...teachers from this very institution...and it's only gotten worse"

Kai: "Worse? How?"

Lionheart leaned forward on the windowsill, "We may have dealt with the grimm, but the Mistral council is still at odds with representatives from Atlas. First it was the Dust embargo, now it's the closing of borders..." He turned to face Qrow again, "...I'm not sure what happened to James in Vale, but it only seemed to have worsened some of his more, unfortunate tendencies" Lionheart sighed again, "And on top of everything, we still don't know where the spring maiden is..."

Qrow: "All the more reason we need the huntsmen and huntresses here!"

Ruby: "Okay! Okay!" Ruby stepped forward quickly, stopping just in front of Leo's table, "Things are bad, they're bad. But, we can figure this out" she turned to Lionheart, "Why is the spring maiden so important?" Lionheart shot Qrow an annoyed glance, "I thought you filled them in"

Qrow: "Mostly filled. Look there's a lot to cover okay? I quit teaching for a reason" He pulled out his flask and began to drink from it. Lionheart sighed and sat down on his seat, "The four maidens each have the power to perform feats of magic, and they are the only ones capable of reaching the relics"

Jaune: "What?"

Qrow: "The relics are locked inside a chamber that can only be opened by a specific maiden. Winter for the gift of Creation, Summer for Destruction, Fall for Choice, and Sring for Knowledge" he took another swig of his flask, "Spring is the problem"

Ren: "What happened to her?" Qrow and Lionheart shared wary glances, before Leo decided to speak, "She was determined at first, when she inherited her powers. But the weight of reponsibility proved to be too much for the child. She...ran"

Kai: "She ran?"

Lionheart: "Abandoned her training...everyone. That was over a decade ago. There's no telling where she could be now"

Qrow: "I know. At least, I have a pretty good idea" Leo got to his feet, with hope in his face, "Are you serious?" Qrow sighed, "It's not exactly good news" Lionheart walked around the table to Qrow, exclaiming excitedly, "What are you talking about, this is incredible news! After all these years, where?!"

Qrow: "I did some digging around. Looks like after Spring ran away she was picked up by bandits. Specifically, the Branwen Tribe" Kai's eyes widened in surprise, then he balled up his fists tightly, "Raven" At the mention of her name, Ruby gasped out loud.

Jaune: "Wait, Yang's mom?"

Kai: "Yeah...that's right. Yang's mom, and Qrow's twin" Qrow walked forward and placed his scroll on the table. A holographic projection of a map appeared above it, with a blinking white dot focused on one point. Qrow pointed at it, "That's about where they've set up their main camp. It's where they fall back to after raids and scouting missions. Raven's managed to gain a lot of followers since she returned to the tribe, and I'm sure when the spring maiden showed up it only made things easier"

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