Chapter 1: Haven Academy

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Qrow: "The city of Mistral"

Nora: "Ugh, it's about time! Whose idea was it to walk again?" The group walked eagerly through a lit alley as they made their way to Haven Academy.

Ren: "Well, we did face many obstacles. Broken airships, destroyed settlements..."

Jaune: "Oh and you know, all those people and monsters that tried to murder US!"

Ruby: "Pff, we were fine"

Kai: "Chill out Jaune. Besides..." he turned to Qrow with a smirk, "...only one of us almost died"

Qrow: "Hey!" Everyone laughed and Kai raised his hands in defence, "Just saying old man"

Jaune: "So, how much farther to Haven Academy?"

Qrow: "Almost there. But I figured I'd take you kids on the scenic route"

Kai: "Believe me guys it's definitely worth the walk"

Ruby: "You've been here before?" Kai nodded, "It was a long time ago and I didn't really hang around for long. But I'll never forget the view of the city from here. It's just up ahead" They arrived at the end of the alley, and in front of them stood a huge metal gate. Qrow placed his hands on the doors and pushed them open, revealing the sight that lay beyond.

Ruby: "Wow!" As everyone stared in awe at the mountain city of Mistral, Ruby exclaimed, "This

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Ruby: "Wow!" As everyone stared in awe at the mountain city of Mistral, Ruby exclaimed, "This. Is. AWESOME!!" Kai stepped up beside Ruby with a grin, "You could say that again"


Qrow: "Well, its certainly something"

Ruby: "Omigosh look at all the weapons!"

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Ruby: "Omigosh look at all the weapons!"

Qrow: "Vendors here will sell you just about anything"

Kai: "Whether they should or not"

Ren: "They really made the most out of these mountains"

Qrow: "Every inch. I'd stay away from the lower levels, but the higher up you go, the nicer it gets"

Nora: "And we are going UP!" Nora pointed up enthusiastically to Haven Academy, resting at the peak of the city.

Kai: "Indeed we are Nora. Indeed we are"
The group walked into the school courtyard looking around in wonder. As they stopped in front of the main building, Ruby wiped a tear from her eye, and Jaune placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Ruby: "We made it"

Jaune: "Yeah. We did" As the others walked forward, Kai and Qrow hung back, casting observatory glances all around.

Kai: "Qrow.."

Qrow: "Yeah..something's off. No one's here. Let's take a look inside" As they walked inside and made their way to the headmaster's office, the situation didn't seem to be any different.

Ruby: "Hellooooo! HELLOOOOOOOO!!"

Nora: "Maybe try...louder?"

Ren: "There doesn't seem to be anyone here"

Jaune: "Well, I guess school isn't really in session right now. Maybe that's it"

Kai: "Even so, it's too damn quiet. We haven't seen a single soul"

Qrow: "This isn't right...come on" Qrow dashd towards the headmaster's office, with Kai and the others following behind. Upon reaching the door, Qrow pulled out his blade, "Get ready, there could be trouble" On his command everyone followed suit and pulled out their weapons as well. Qrow braced himself, and then raised up a leg and kicked the door open.

A bearded man stood on the other side, about to open the door.

Bearded man: "AAAAAAAAH!"

Ruby, Jaune, Nora, & Ren: "AAAAAAAAH!"

Qrow: "Woah!" he tripped on his one leg and fell to the ground.

Bearded man: "Ugh.." The man became lightheaded and fell to the ground as well.

Kai looked between Qrow and the man, "Uh...what?"

Ruby: "Umm...Professor Lionheart?" Lionheart sat up slowly, "Qrow! For crying out loud, you nearly scared me half to death!" Qrow stood up quickly with a groan, "Me? Why weren't you waiting for us at the entrance?" Lionheart produced a pocket watch from his waistcoat and looked at it, "Oh right! Apologies, I guess. Time slipped away from me" he grunted and got back on his feet, as everyone put their weapons away.

Qrow: "You're joking"

Nora: "Where is everybody?" Lionheart looked behind Qrow, as if seeing the children for the first time, "Ah, you must be the students Qrow mentioned"

Ruby: "Yes sir. Ruby Rose"

Jaune: "Jaune Arc"

Nora: "Nora Valkyrie"

Ren: "Lie Ren"

Kai: "Kai Blaze" Lionheart turned to face him fully, "Ah, the Blazing Huntsman. It's a pleasure to meet you. All of you. Leonardo Lionheart, at your service. I'm afraid most of my staff is currently away until classes resume by..."

Qrow: "What?! Leo you can't be serious"

Kai: "If everyone's gone, then who's guarding the relic?" Lionheart's eyes went wide, "I-I don't know what you're talking abo..."

Qrow: "Save it Leo, I already filled them in. What do you mean your staff is away?"

Lionheart: "You...filled them in?" Lionheart paused, deep in thought, leaving the rest of the group in silence.

Nora: " this not going at all how anyone thought it would?"

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