Chapter 12: Into The Vault

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As Ruby and Yang faced off against Mercury and Emerald, Nora and Weiss stood on guard and alert by Jaune's side.

Nora: "You guys doing okay?"

Weiss: "How's he looking? Is it working?" Kai muttered something in a low voice and Jaune nodded enthusiastically, "I-I think so! He's coming to!", he then sighed, "I just wish this would go faster"

Nora: "How about you don't complain and just be thankful that you unlocked your semblance when you did"

Jaune: "My...semblance?"

Weiss: "Well, how else do you think you're healing him?" Jaune looked down at Kai again, and shook his head, "No...I don't think I'm healing him. Our aura heals our bodies. It feels more like I'm using my aura to amplify his"

Nora: "Wait, aren't you worried about running out?" Jaune smiled, "Pyrrha once told me I've got a lot of it. I still believe her" At the mention of her name Kai murmured again, "Pyrrha..."

Nora: "I think he's waking up!"

Jaune: "Come on buddy come on!"

Weiss: "Wake up Kai, please" Just then Kai jolted to a sitting position with a yell.

Kai: "PYRRHA!" He paused and looked around him, at the worried faces of his friends who now surrounded him.

Jaune: "Kai! You're back!"

Nora: "Oh thank goodness" Weiss enveloped the dark haired boy in a tight hug, holding back a sob, "I'm sorry Kai. I'm so sorry" Kai smiled down at her, "Glad you're okay too Ice Queen" Just then Ren's screams came from across the hall, as he got hit with one of Hazel's attacks.

Nora: "Ren!"

Jaune: "You guys go help him out, I've got Kai" Weiss nodded, as she and Nora geared up and moved to intercept Hazel.

Kai: "Jaune, what's happening right now?"

Jaune: "Okay, Ruby and Yang are holding off Emerald and Mercury. Cinder took Raven and her scary looking lady friend down into the Haven Academy vault. And Qrow Ren and Oscar are handling Hazel and Professor Lionheart, but now that you're okay Weiss and Nora have gone to help them" As if on cue, there was a loud boom, followed by a crash, as Nora sent Hazel crashing through the wall and into the school courtyard. The massive hole in the building revealed that, Kai and his group were in fact not the only ones at this school.

Kai: "Adam Taurus and the White Fang? What the hell are they doing here?"

Jaune: "Just forget about that right now. What's important is the relic. Cinder and Raven may have already gotten it by now" Kai nodded, "That's right" he reached out for his blade and slowly got to his feet. And then, he marched towards the entrance to the vault. Ruby and Yang were out of breath from the battle with Emerald and Mercury, who now stood gingerly by the vault entrance.

Ruby: "Kai! You're okay!" Kai nodded to her, "I'm going to stop Cinder from getting the relic"

Yang: "But you just got healed, it's too dangerous to face Cinder and my mother alone!" Kai turned over to look at Yang, he hadn't expected her to speak to him, much less show concern. As if realising this, she looked away from him, embarrassed. Kai chuckled lightly, "Don't worry Yang..." he blinked and his eyes glowed, burning brighter than normal, "...I don't feel like losing again today"

Ruby: "You sure you'll be okay?" He nodded again, "I don't know what exactly Jaune did to me but I'm feeling full of more aura than usual. I think I'll be just fine" He then turned his attention to Emerald and Mercury, the pair of which visibly flinched as he calmly approached them.

Emerald: "W-We're not letting you get to Cinder Kai" Kai's golden eyes brimmed with energy and he stared coldly at the two minions, "Move aside Emerald. I'm not asking twice"

Mercury: "To hell with this" He suddenly launched forward, and jumped in the air towards Kai, leg raised high ready to come down at any moment. Kai muttered coldly, "I warned you" In the blink of an eye Kai appeared mid air in the space behind Mercury. Grabbing on the silver haired boy's collar, Kai twisted and slammed him head first into the ground. Still holding Mecury's head down, Kai then used his other hand to raise his burning blade, ready to decapitate in one strike.

Emerald: "NO!!" She held out her hand towards Kai and sent a powerful mental blast towards him. Showing him a vision. A vision of his worst fears.

Ruby, Yang, Jaune, Qrow, Nora, Ren, Weiss, Blake...all his friends, everyone he cared about, lay in a bloodied heap before him. Their eyes were lifeless, and some parts of their bodies were either burnt, sliced off or disfigured. As Kai stared in horror at the scene, he raise his hands to his face, and gasped.

They were stained with blood.

Not just his hands, but his entire body, from his head to his feet. He was covered in blood, the blood of his friends. His eye caught his weapon lying next to him, which was also dripping with the red thick fluid. Unable to take it anymore, Kai screamed out in agony.
Emerald fell back to the ground from shock. Kai had broken her illusions somehow, but that wasn't what startled her so much. It was what she had seen in those visions. The sheer horror of it all terrified even her. How can someone's fears be so... self-directed? She panted from exhaustion as she concluded; Kai's worst fear...was himself and the power he wielded. Suddenly another wave of terror came over her, as Kai himself approached her. His eyes glowed a fierce red.
Kai shook his head and steadied himself. The vision he just saw was the work of Emerald no doubt. To think she'd invade his head like that, and show him that scene to torment him. He was angry. He grabbed his blade and walked slowly towards Emerald, dragging his blade on the floor menacingly behind him. The green haired girl sat helplessly on the floor, and simply looked on in terror. As Kai got closer, she mouthed softly to him

"I'm so sorry"

Kai stopped in his tracks, his eyes returning to their plain blue state. He sighed and looked down at Emerald who was still trembling.

Kai: "You're not like these people Emerald. You can do better", and with that he walked past her, and into the entrance to the vault.

"Raven. Cinder" his hands balled into fists, and they burned brightly, "I'm coming for you both"

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