Chapter 8: THE Talk

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Ruby and Weiss had gone back inside the house, giving the two a little bit of privacy. Kai and Yang sat on the ground in the backyard, both staring out at the kingdom. After a long silence, Kai finally sighed.

Kai: "Seriously Yang? You're not even going to say anything?" She turned to glare sideways at him shortly, and then turned back to face the city. Kai sighed again, "You can barely even look at me. All you do is give me angry glances...", his voice lowered, " hurts, you know...". Yang didn't say a word, instead continued to glare out at the city. Kai sighed and fixed his gaze on the scenery as well. A few moments passed in silence.

Yang: "I found my mom" she spoke coldly, without turning to face Kai.

Kai: "Yeah...I heard..."

Yang: "Without your help"

Kai: "Yang, I'm..."

Yang: "Sorry?" She scoffed, "It's no biggie. Just add it to the list of promises you broke"

Kai: "Come on, Yang, you have to understand. Cinder and her gang are still on the loose, I had to leave to go stop them" At this Yang turned to face him with glowing red eyes, "No you didn't have to leave! You could have simply honoured your promise and left it up to Ruby and the others! But no, you can't reason beyond your damn saviour complex! You feel like you always have to be the hero, like you always have to save and protect everyone!"

Kai: "Yeah well with these abilities I have it's my responsibility to..."

Yang: "NO IT'S NOT!" She slammed her metallic fist on the ground in frustration, "You're so full of yourself with this saviour crap that you neglected your actual responsibility"

Kai: "Why are you making me out to be the bad guy here? I'm sorry I broke our promise but this was something I had to do"

Yang: "The problem here is that you still don't even realize the gravity of what you did! You don't just make a promise like that and then run off the first chance you get to be a hero" At this Kai frowned, "People's lives are in danger Yang, I can't just sit around and do nothing, not when I know I can actually make a difference"

Yang: "Sit around and do nothing?! Is that what it meant to you?! That's why you walked away?!"

Kai: "I chose to help people and save lives Yang. I'm a huntsman. It's not a complex, it's my job!"

Yang: "Ugh! You're not the only huntsman in the world are you? You're not the only student at Beacon, and you're not the only one who lost a friend! You could have left this 'job' to the others, but you always want to be the knight in blazing armour, swooping in to save the day"

Kai: "Well I'm sorry if I think saving lives and making a difference in this fight is far more important than taking care of some huntress too scared to fight simply because she lost an arm!" Yang's eyes widened in shock, and her left hand subconsciously grabbed her robotic arm as she turned to stare down at the ground. Kai, realising what he said, quickly calmed himself down and sighed deeply

Kai: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that...". When Yang spoke again while still facing the ground, her voice was soft, and heavy with emotion, "I've been alone for as long as I can remember. I don't have a big family like Weiss's. My mom abandoned me, Ruby's mom died, Dad buried himself with work, and Ruby couldn't even talk yet. I had to go through everything alone. Being a part of team RWBY was one of the best things to ever happen to me. Finally I felt like I didn't have to shoulder everything on my own. But as usual, it all came crashing down. Beacon fell, Weiss's dad pulled her out, and Blake...Blake ran. And you..." She raised her head and turned to face Kai with sad teary eyes, "I understand that you left to stop Cinder and save lives. But you made me a promise, Kai. A commitment. And I trusted you. I trusted you with everything I had. Because I loved you. But when I needed you the most, you just...left. Just abandoned me like everyone else" At this point tears had begun to flow freely down her face, "Do you have any idea how painful that is?"

Kai: "Yang..." He reached his arm out to hold her but she swiped it away, "Get away from me!" Yang got to her feet abruptly, and walked quickly back into the house, wiping away tears from her eyes with her arm. Kai watched her go until her figure was no longer visible, before turning back to face the city again with a sigh.

"Good talk Kai. Way to go"
Kai: "Qrow, I need your help with something"

Qrow: "Hmm?" Qrow paused, in the middle of taking a swig out of his flask, when Kai interrupted him, "What's up kiddo?" Kai sighed, "Promise you won't laugh or judge me or anything" At this Qrow raised a brow, "Uh, okay?"

Kai: "Well, the thing is...I'm kinda having...girl problems" Qrow blinked twice in astonishment, "Okay...that's...not what I expected at all. Never thought I'd see the day you'd come to me for advice on women" Kai groaned, "Yeah yeah, I get it, I'm finally getting a life, whatever, but you have to help me out here" Qrow chuckled and turned to face Kai fully, "Alright Kai, what's up with you and Yang?"

Kai: "Yang's still pissed at me for leaving her back in Vale. Actually 'pissed' is an understatement. Furious is more like it"

Qrow: "I take it you've tried to apologize" Kai sighed, "Over and over, but she just isn't having any of it". Qrow tilted his head, "What exactly did you say to her?"

Kai: "Well, I tried to explain that I had to leave, that I had to go stop Cinder, that I had to save lives. But she didn't care about that at all. Her issue was that by leaving I broke the promise I made her about, well, not leaving her" Qrow sighed and shook his head, causing Kai to raise a brow, "What?"

Qrow: "Look kid, Yang's been through a lot. Being abandoned by Raven had a pretty big effect on her, and you leaving her after making that promise, it's just like her mom all over again"

Kai: "But I had a valid reason to go, it's not like I just turned tail and ran away"

Qrow: "All the same. A woman's heart is delicate Kai, and you just broke hers. Sure you may be apologizing, but you're still making excuses"

Kai: "Excuses?"

Qrow: "You gotta look at things from her perspective. Think about it. Yang knows the reason you left. She knows you had a job to do. Doesn't change the fact that you broke that promise you made her. Your apology isn't making her feel any better, it's just salt in the wound" Kai sighed deeply and let himself fall onto the bed in the room, staring up at the ceiling, "Ugh, I'm such an idiot" Qrow smiled, "Don't sweat it kid, it's a common misunderstanding. Not just between lovers but with people in general"

Kai: "Okay so, how do I fix this if apologies don't work?"

Qrow: "Hey I never said apologies won't work. You just gotta apologize the right way" Kai turned to face Qrow, confused, "I don't get it"

Qrow: "You're going to apologize, but this time with no excuses. You gotta own up, admit to Yang that you screwed up big time, and show her that you've learnt from your mistakes. Most importantly, above all, you have to show her that you care. It's all gotta come from the heart or it won't mean squat. Which means first things first, you'll have to admit to yourself that what you did was wrong" As Kai let out another long sigh, Oscar walked into the room.

Oscar: "Hey, Qrow? Oz needs to talk to you"

Qrow: "Hm" he grunted a reply, before putting away his flask and getting to his feet. Then he slowly followed Oscar out of the room. He stopped at the door to turn to Kai one last time, "Don't sweat it Kai, you and Yang will get through this. It might take a while sure, even after you apologize the right way but, if you really care about her, you'll be patient" And with that he exited the room with Oscar, leaving Kai to ponder his words.

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