Chapter 9: Back to Haven Academy

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Ruby: "Hey Kai, Qrow asked me okay?"

Kai: "Hm?" He was still seated on the bed in Qrow's room, had been for a while now, completely lost in thought, "Oh, hey Ruby, what's up?"

Ruby: "You looked kinda lost there" Kai sighed a little, "Yeah...I've been thinking"

Ruby: "About...Yang?" Kai nodded slowly, "I just want to fix things between us. But apparently it's easier said than done" Ruby walked over to the bed and sat down next to Kai, "Yang will come around Kai, I just know it. By the time all this is over you'll be better and closer than ever!" Kai chuckled lightly at her enthusiasm, "If you say so Ruby. What was it that brought you here again?" Ruby tapped herself on the forehead, "Oh right, Qrow asked me to gather everyone. Apparently there was a breakthrough with the council and Professor Lionheart agreed to help us. We meet tomorrow night."

Kai: "Huh...that's kind of odd isn't it?"

Ruby: "Hm?"

Kai: "It's completely different from what he said the first time."

Ruby: "Yeah but he said he'd try and talk to the city council to help"

Kai: "Come on Ruby, Qrow can barely find any huntsmen around town but Lionheart somehow 'convinced' the council to spare enough huntsmen for a raiding party?"

Ruby: "So...what are you saying? It's a trap?"

Kai: "I dunno Ruby...I dunno..."
~Haven Academy. The next night~
Qrow lead the students across the Haven Academy courtyard, under the glow of the moonlight, all geared up and senses sharp. It had been made clear to them beforehand by Ozpin and Qrow that the possibility of them walking into a trap was high, therefore they all had to be prepared for any confrontation. Grimly and without a word, the group stepped through the doors of the academy building into the large hallway, where they were greeted by Professor Lionheart from the large balcony at the end of the hall.

Lionheart: "Thank you for coming..." He looked around at the group, a little disturbed, "There seems to be more of you than last time..."

Qrow: "Eh, you know what they say. The more the merrier. So what's going on with the council?" Lionheart shifted uneasily in his spot, "Uh, why...did you bring your weapons?"

Kai: "Uh, we're huntsmen? I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be natural to be with weapons"

Qrow: "You okay Leo?"

Lionheart: "Uh, yes, of course"

Kai: "You sure, 'cause you look a little pale"

Lionheart: "I'm fine I'm fine, just uh, haven't had my evening coffee"

Qrow: "Look, it's nice to see you but we've got work to do. So, are we getting support from the council or not?"

Yang: "Mom?" Immediately, everyone followed Yang's gaze to a raven perched atop the railing at one corner of the hallway. Qrow shot swiftly at the raven but the bird shot up and flew over to Professor Lionheart, transforming before their eyes. In it's place, Raven Branwen stood menacingly beside Leo, her face hidden behind her helmet.

Kai: "Raven" Nora gasped in horror, "They...they really are magic..." Raven slowly took off her helmet and stared at her brother with cold scarlet eyes, "If you're going to shoot me, then shoot me. That was insulting" Qrow growled, "What are you doing here?" Raven stepped down the stairs, approaching the group slowly, "I could ask you the same thing. You've been scheming little brother, planning to attack your own sister" Kai barked at Raven, "Don't talk like family actually means anything to you!"

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