Chapter 6: Reunion

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Kai and Ozpin stood at the foot of the hill once again to continue their training sessions. But this day, things were a little bit different.

Kai: "Why did you ask me to bring my blade along today? I thought we weren't going to use it for this"

Ozpin: "I asked you to bring along your weapon because, well, our training is nearly over"

Kai: "Huh? I don't undertand"

Ozpin: "You will in a minute. Take up your blade" Still slightly confused, Kai took Raze and gripped it with both hands. Ozpin continued, "Now Kai, I want you, to cut this hill in half" Kai nearly fell over with shock.

Kai: "The hell?! I'm barely done punching the hole you asked me and now you want me to do another impossible task?" Ozpin smiled, "It's all for a reason. You'll see soon enough. Just slash the hardest you can" Kai sighed and turned to face the hill. Taking a moment to steady himself into a stance, he took a deep breath and activated his semblance. A surge of energy flowed around him, as flames lit up all around his body and coated his blade. Kai raised the blade over his head, and after a moment's hesitation, he brought it down with a loud yell.

A large flaming arc erupted from his blade, expanding upwards quickly, and bore into the hill. There was a loud booming sound, and then the sound of rubble as shattered debris fell around the surrounding area. Ozpin raised his arm to shield himself from the large dust cloud that now filled the area. As the dust cleared, Kai widened his eyes in disbelief. The hill stood before him, with a clean cut through the middle, running deep, all the way to the other side. The entire hill had indeed been cut in half.

Kai: "I don't believe it! But, how? I've never been able to use this much power without my dark side before..." Ozpin smiled, "How much of your power did you use just now?" Kai looked down at his blade, "It definitely felt like a hundred percent. But I don't how how I was able to do it..."

Ozpin: "It's simple really. There's a limited amount of power you can unleash, and to force your body to break that limit I had to set a goal far beyond your normal capabilities. You've been undergoing this training to increase your power output in base form, which is relatively weaker than when you use your blade. By increasing the amount of power you could unleash with your fists, your blade power would also increase exponentially"

Kai: "But you asked me to punch the hole..." Ozpin chuckled lightly, "Did you really think you could punch a hole through a hill with your bare hands?" Kai frowned slightly, "I dunno, I was just doing what you asked me to!"

Ozpin: "Even if you were to train to achieve two hundred percent that would still be impossible. You can't produce that much power with a single punch. The whole point was to set an impossible goal in order to push you to your limits. And it worked" Kai turned to look at the now divided hill again, and smiled, "Yeah, I did it. I'm finally at a hundred percent" He turned back to face Ozpin, "I can definitely take on the maidens now, right?" Ozpin nodded, "Well yes. But..." his face went serious, "This may not be the end"

Kai: "What do you mean?"

Ozpin: "I'm saying, that the maidens' power isn't the biggest threat you'll come up against. Salem's power is on a level far above theirs. You may be at 100% now, but even considering that there's still room for you to grow naturally, it may not be enough"

Kai: "So, what are you saying?"

Ozpin: "That sooner or later, you'll reach the limits of your strength. A state where you can't get any stronger. And when that happens you'll have to turn to...other...sources of strength" Kai frowned, "Are you asking use my dark side?"

Ozpin: "Your dark side is still your ability Kai. It's still a part of your semblance, a part of who you are and you have to take command of it. Believe me, the time will come, when you'll be forced to use it. The question is, will you be the one to control it, or will it control you?"
~Later that evening~

Ruby, Ren and Nora worked in the kitchen, preparing the food for all the huntsmen Qrow was expecting to recruit that day, while Jaune set the table.

Ren: "Alright, the first batch is just about done"

Ruby: "Awesome! Now we just need Qrow and we'll be all set"

Nora: "Do you really think he's going to bring that many people? This is a lot of food"

Ruby: "Well, I don't know. But it sounds like we can use all the help we can get" Just then, Qrow's voice sounded through the house from the front door, "I'm back!" Ruby called back to him, "Be right there!" Ren glanced at the contents of the frying pan Ruby hald over the stove, "You're going to overcook that" Ruby quickly replied, embarrassed, "No I'm not, shut up" Qrow called out again, a little urgently this time, "Hey uh, Ruby..."

Ruby: "I'M COMING!" Black smoke suddenly erupted from Ruby's frying pan and she sighed, "Fine, you take over" Ren gladly took Ruby's place as she carried a tray holding a kettle and some tea cups to go welcome the guests in the living room, "So we didn't know how many people were coming, so we just cooked all of it..." she trailed off as she laid her eyes on the people standing beside Qrow, and the tray dropped from her hand with a crash. At Qrow's side, Yang and Weiss stood, staring back at Ruby expectantly.

Ruby wore a sad look on her face as she suddenly started speaking, "Yang I'm so sorry, I...I should've stayed, I...I should've talked to you more...I just...I wasn't sure you wanted me around and I..." Ruby was interrupted as Yang suddenly dashed across the room and pulled her sister into a tight hug.

Yang: "I love you" Ruby burst into tears as she held Yang tightly, "I love you too" By now, Jaune Nora and Ren had entered the living room to see what the commotion was about, and Weiss still stood awkwardly by the side, looking down at the ground with sad eyes.

Ruby: "Weiss" Weiss looked up at the sound of her name at Ruby and Yang, who smiled at her, with their arms wide open. Fighting back tears, Weiss rushed forward to embrace her teammates, and the three girls stood together in the middle of the room.
Kai walked into the house, with Oscar in tow, "Hey guys, we're back". There was no response, the living room was completely empty.

Oscar: "Where is everyone?" Before Kai could respond, the sound of Qrow's loud complaints came from a nearby room, "Jeez, how could six kids possibly make so much noise eating dinner?!"

Kai: "Huh? Six kids?" Kai hurried towards the dining area, and stopped at the sight before him. Jaune, Ren, Nora and Ruby were seated around the dinner table, with empty dishes in front of them, but the real fact that came as a shock to Kai, were the two new additions to the group.

Ruby: "Oh hey, Kai's back!"

Jaune: "You'll never guess who just dropped in" Weiss and Yang both looked up at Kai's shocked face, with mixed expressions of their own, while Oscar stood awkwardly to one side. Eventually it was Weiss who broke the silence.

Weiss: "Ugh, how long are you just going to stand there with that expression on your face?" Kai blinked, gave a small laugh, and then smiled, "It's good to see you too, Ice Queen" Weiss rolled her eyes, but did so with a small smile. Kai then turned his attention to the blonde girl, who had remained silent all this while, "Hey, Yang..." Yang simply stared back at Kai, a blank expression on her face. Then slowly, she got up from her place at the table, and began to walk towards Kai.

Nora: "Oooh, someone's in trouble" Yang stepped slowly towards Kai, her expression unchanging. Kai shifted slightly on his feet with discomfort, as Yang approached him. When she was right in front of him, he spoke to her.

Kai: "Yang I..." without a change of pace, or a second glance, or even a sign of acknowledgement, Yang walked right past Kai into the living room, and onward into her assigned bedroom. The silence was heavy in the dining room, only broken by a single utterance from Kai, "Oh..."

Nora: "I guess...she's still mad at him then?"

Jaune: "Yes Nora, we can see that"

Ren: "Read the room Nora. Read the room" Ruby walked aorund the table to Kai and placed a hand on his shoulders, "Don't worry Kai, Yang'll come around eventually". Kai let out a defeated sigh, "I dunno Ruby. It's been months, and if she's still mad after all that time then..." he shook his head, "Actually I need to go lie down for a little bit. It's...been a hectic day" And with that he turned and headed towards his room, leaving the rest of the group in silence.

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