Chapter 13: Days do last

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Ugh. Why did I get pregnant at 17? It's a giant pain in the butt. Not only will it not stop crying, it doesn't like to sleep!

My parents keep asking why I haven't visited in almost a year, so I think the secrets coming out soon. What a happy conversation to have. Parker has been acting different lately. Every sense his father came, it's been different.

He came in the front door, after dropping Lily off at day care. "Hey." I said as he closed the door. He didn't day anything, he just took his coat off. "Parker? What's wrong?" He sighed and said, "I don't think I can do this." "Do what?" I asked standing up.

I pulled my hair behind my ear, to hear him panic. "I can't be a father!" I was confused on what I was hearing. "Your a great father Parker." I said reassuring him. "I don't want to be my father." He said covering his face with his hands. "Parker, your not your father, and you never will be!" I told him taking his hands in mine.

"How do you know that?" He whispered. "Because of the person you are now." I whispered back pulling him into a hug.

Then we heard cry coming from the other room, both of us turning our heads in the direction it was coming from. I then let go of him, to go comfort Lily.


I had to think clearly. Just needed to clear my head. I went and started walking down the street. I felt the Concrete sidewalk under my feet while looking at the small shops that were among me. I felt my phone vibrate, so I picked it from my pocket, to see who it was, and it was Lila.

The text read: "It won't stop crying! Grrr."

Did she just call her baby and "it"? Wow I wish she was my mother. I slid my phone back in my pocket and continued walking. I turned on the corner of the block, into an alley way.

I paced my way down the alley, to see some guy sitting. "Hey there girl!" He yelled sounding drunk. I continued walking and figured just ignore him, and he'll go away. But he stood up, and started following me. "Hey girl where you going." He yelled to me.

I started waking faster but he ran in front of me. "Whoa, girl don't you care to join me on this, lovely evening?" He asked. Maybe he was drunk, maybe he was high. He then reached into my back pocket and took my phone. Okay, maybe he was drunk and high.

"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled hold my hand out. "Oh do you want this- lets see, Aero? Well I got you in my mind." He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me so close our faces were about touching. "Let go of me!" I said as I squirmed. I did what I thought was rational. I socked him in the jaw.

He then threw my phone, to where I barley caught it. I then started to run away. "You can run, but you'll stay in Trevor's mind forcer girl." he yelled slanting over. Okay, his name is Trevor, and that's all I got. I ran down the rest of the alley, to run into someone.

"What the-" I heard the guy say as I fell to the ground. It was Parker. "Aero? What are yup doing out down here?" He asked. But I was still trying to catch my breath, so I stood up and pointed. "Some- Guy was- following- me and Uh- I punched him because he was- thinking some- pretty bad- stuff." I panted holding on to Parkers arm.

"What Is he still there? I'm gonna kick his-" I interrupted him. "No, all I got was his name. Trevor." He looked shocked. "Trevor? Oh that little- he better watch out!" He yelled towards the alley way even though he was already gone.

"You know him?" I asked thinking that my brother knows the guy that does illegal stuff. Real "shocker".

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