Chapter seven: Whos there?

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I've been on 6 dates with Ben so far. I like him. He's cute,dorky and funny. Lila and Parker have been getting more serious.(baby and all)

We've been dating for two months, Ben and i. we have been taking it slower then some relationships. But he's fine with it, and so am i. I've as him to stay with me a couple nights, i have felt like someone has been watching us for quite some time now. I've been just trying To shake it off.

You can now tell Lila's pregnant. She's already four and a half months pregnant, and surprisingly Parker is still with her, I'm proud of him. But I've been feeling really Guilty around him. He really doesn't like Ben-at all. I'm scared of what he might do if he finds out. Parker has some anger issues so it's best he doesn't know about Ben and I.

I got outside of my car at Walmart. I grabbed diner for Aero and i tonight. She asked me to spend the night again. I don't have a problem with it, I'm just a little worried that her brother Patrick will find me there. Is it Patrick? I know it begins with a P. Perry maybe? Oh well.

After I checked out, I put the stuff in the back seat of my car. All the sudden, I felt something jab against my side. I turn to see a masked face and all I hear is, "Don't say anything and shut the door slowly, listen to me or I'll shoot you." I shut the door slowly, and look down to see a gun pointed at me.

I panicked as my inside begin to melt. He tied my hands together and put duck tape over my mouth and shoved me into a van he hit my head with his gun, and slowly I saw the light begin to fade.

"Parker we got to get the hospital, my appointments in an half hour, and it takes at least 20 minutes to get there!" I said from his car yelling outside. "I'm coming I'm coming." He said getting in the car.we started drive past the woods to the hospital.

I woke up in a room with one door. I woke up to the man who kidnaped me punching me. "You don't who your messing with! Dating Aero was a big mistake! If I can't have her no one can!" He yelled while kicking me. "I didn't do anything!" I yelled in pain.

he stared down at me, and frowned a nasty frown. he whipped his greasy hands on his shirt and said "I'll be right back, with my gun, and the only person leaving this room alive, is me.

Its just as bad that Lila's pregnant! Ugh." Then he stormed out. I began to panic. All that time he's been beating and yelling I've been rubbing the rope that my hands are tied with again the chair and- yes! It finally broke.

I jumped up rubbing my wrist and running for the door. I opened it and ran out. I saw the guy at a table and I saw an exit and darted outside into the woods I hit the door on my way out and the man yelled "Hey I'm coming for you!" And ran after me.

I Started to run faster when I herd the cock of the gun. I darted up the hill of the woods, and I saw a road. I was about to go down when I hurt a shot go off. I had raging pain in my shoulder, and started rolling down the hill, and onto the road.

We were heading down the back road, when all the sudden something came out of the woods, and we hit it with the car. Parker slammed on his brakes but it was already to late.

We looked at each other with freight. "Okay let's move on" Parker said. I looked at him in a confusing way. "We can't leave them there!." I said getting out of the car. We both ran over to the body and turned it over, and it was Ben. "Oh now we can leave." Parker says sarcastically.

i looked down and said "Oh no! Aero is going to be crushed!" I realised it was a mistake when Parker said, "Why would Aero care?" "Ah help me get him to the car." I said as we put him in the car. We drove to hospital-hey we are going there anyways!

Speaking of, I'm going to be late to my appointment. When we got to the hospital, people took Ben away, and I went to the fraternity center. While I was waiting I texted Aero of what we new happened.

"Who you texting?" Parker asks me. "Uh nobody." I say as I quickly put my phone away.

I got to Bens room and walked in. I saw him lying there, with bruises and a sling. I went over to him, and asked "Oh my god! Are you okay?" I said like the worried girlfriend.

" I could be better." He quietly said. I then hugged him because I've missed him so much. "rr" I heard him squeal. "Oh sorry." I said letting go. Then I added "I'm going to sign the check out papers."

Then I left and went into the hallway and bumped into Parker. "Aero? What are you doing here? Are you alright?" He asked sorta concerned.

I didn't know what to say. I still didn't want to tell him about Ben and I. "What? I'm fine. I'm here because....i was volunteering." Idiot.

Why did I say that? Parker just shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I signed the papers and helped Ben to my dorm. I guess while he's hurt, I'm going to take care of him.

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