Chapter 16: But where?

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"I got to admit she is cute." Lila's dad said. Finally, he was coming to peace with it. But I bet last night he didn't get much sleep, I know I didn't. We were about to eat lunch, when my phone started ringing.

"Um excuse me." I said pushing my chair in. I opened the screen door to get outside and took out my cell phone to see who was calling. It was an unknown number, so I answered it.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone. "Hey man! It's your home boy Trevor!" I heard screamed into my ear. I wanted to crumble him into pieces. "If you ever touch, or even think about my sister again, I will kill you!" I said seriously but quietly.

"Who you talking to?" I jumped when I heard Lila's voice. "It's Dr.Freeman." I lied. "Well don't be too long." she smiled before going back inside. "Well hey man, that was just a misunderstanding yo. But hey, I need your help." He spoke.

"Why would I help you Trevor?" "Because of that favor I did you a while back, You said yourself, you owe me one. This is the one." he said.

I should have never called him to help me last year. I was being busted by the police, so I needed a distraction to get away before they could I.d me.

"What is it?" I snapped. "Well I got another home boy, and he tried to back out, and nobody backs out of the business. You know what I'm say'n?"

"I'm not going to help you get rid of someone." I said and then hung up the phone. What have I got myself into?



"What's wrong Aero?" Lila asked. I continued to wipe down our microwave when I said, "Nothing." but I said it sounding annoyed. "Ha no. You sound like me when I left my parents house last night.

Seriously come sit." she said patting the empty seat on the couch next to her. I put down the Clorox and sag next to her. "Well so I spent the night at Bens a couple days ago..." I began before I was interrupted.

"Oh my god you slept with him!" She exclaimed.

"How would you know that I didn't say anything. My face began to flush at my cheeks. "Because of that look, I know that look." she laughed.

"Anyways, in the morning everything seemed fine. We went swimming, but then he just- left." I sighed. She looked confused as her face dropped as mine.

"What do you mean left?" She asked. "I mean one second I'm underwater, the next he's just- gone." I told her standing up. I walked over to the wooden table and took a sip of my water.

"I haven't seen or talked to him sense." I added.

"Maybe he just... got nervous!" She said trying to make me feel better, but it didn't work very well. "But anyways how was your weekend?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh it's the best weekend of all times." she said sarcastically. "That bad?" I couldn't help but chuckle a little. "It started off terrible, but then it got better, until Parker got all- weird." She sighed.

"Well it's Parker, he's the mystery prize that no one can seem to guess." I replied. "I guess your right." She showed a somewhat fake smile. I then looked at the clock that hung over the TV.

"Um Lila?" I asked.

"Yeah?" "Are we supposed to be at work?" I asked.

"Oh crap!" We both yelled and raised for our stuff. We had less then 5 minutes to get to work.

We barley made it to work on time, but luckily it wasn't that busy. I noticed as I re stocked the soda freezer that Bens apron still hung up on its hook. "Mr. Adams?" I asked.

"Yep?" He yelled from out back. Before I could ask, he came out front to talk. "I'm sorry but before you say anything, I have a question." he said.

i nodded my head. "Well I was away, did Ben go on a vacation or something?" He asked. "No I don't think so. Why?" I asked.

"I haven't seen him in a day." he replied. "So he hasn't been into work?" I asked. "Nope." he sighed.

"Maybe he just wants a few days off." He added.

"Maybe." I mumbled getting back to work.

*Five days later*

"Hey Aero, Parker and I are going to the movies. You want to tag along?" Lila asked. I sat on the couch holding the tv remote in one hand and a glass of water in the other, as I politely declined.

"Nah. But you guys have fun." she smiled as she grabbed her bag and left. I flipped through the channel's like a gymnast at the Olympics. I wasn't even looking at the tv.

I was starring out the window, and watched as Parker and Lila pulled away. I heard my phone beep. I dropped the remote and the glass of water trying to get it out. When I dropped it, I realized I dropped it in my foot. "Mother-" I held my foot in pain.

My phone continued to beep, so I took i finally grabbed it to see who was calling. Turns out it was Mr.Adams. "Hello?" I cleared my throat as I answered.

"Any Word from Ben?" He asked.

"Uh nothing yet." I replied. "Okays thanks." was the last thing I heard before I heard a dial tone. I put my phone back in my pocket, and slowly stood up. I limped to wear my coat hung, and then went outside and called a cab.

Once I was dropped off at the hospital, I talked to the service desk women, and filled out the forms of the emergency room. My name was finally called, and I was put into one of the public emergency room area, where people with problems but that weren't that serious were put. The nurse cleaned the blood away from my foot, and picked out the glass which hurt like heck.

I looked around the hospital, to see what was going on. I saw a little boy with a broken arm who seemed to claim, "But I didn't want to touch the lava!" I also saw an older lady yelling, "But I have a brain tumor, just scan me again!" And the nurse trying to calm her down, "Mrs.Margret, it's just a cold!"

"Excuse me? Ms. Carlton?" I heard someone say. I came back to the nurse with my foot, and said, "Sorry. I'm listening." She laughed a little. "That's fine. But looks like you'll need stitches." she told me. I nodded my head.

Whatever, not like I have anything better to do. I looked to see a doctor and a nurse passing me talking. "So did you get an i.d yet on our coma patient?" The doctor asked.

"Uh not yet doctor. All we have is, about 16-17 years old, male caucasian, brown hair."

"I see. And room a17?" "Actually it's that one right there." she pointed. I looked in the direction she pointed to. My mouth dropped as my hand went to cover it.

"Stop!" I yelled at the nurse. "But why mam?" She asked backing away. I jumped off the table and I limped towards the room.

"Excuse me, where are you going?" she yelled after me. But I just ignored her and carried on. I went through the open door myself to see if I was actually seeing clearly. "You can't go in there!" I heard someone yell, but I didn't care.

I went to the bed side and fell to my knees in tears. I grabbed his hand and held it in mine. "The doctor who was asking about him came in and said, "Do you know who this is? If so anything will help us." She asked. "Benjamin Adams. His name is Benjamin Adams."

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