Chapter 10: Begin again

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"I'm clocking out." I told Bens father grabbing my coat. It had been a busy day at work, with the nice weather and all.

"Hey, Aero! Can I talk to you for a sec?" Mr. Adams asked me. "Sure." I said stepping away from the door. "We got this a- an new employee. I was wondering if you and Ben could help her out a bit." I smiled a replied, "Sure. What's her name?" I then zipped up my sweatshirt. He then said a familiar name.

"Lila Mason." I looked at him in shock. Lila? My best friend who just had a baby! I get to work with my boyfriend and my best friend. "Will do. Good night." I said opening the door and softly shutting it behind me.

I can't believe she's going to be working with me. Wait. Why didn't she tell me? I could've recommended her or something.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to call Ben to tell him I'm out of work, because he offered to pick me up after work. But when I took it out, I tripped and flew across the pavement.

"Crap." I thought to myself. I stood up, and looked at my bloody knee. Oh narts, these were my favourite jeans. I walked over to where my phone was lying, the screen smashed in. I picked it up, and pressed the button to see if it still worker, which sadly it didn't. I guess the iPhone 4 was getting a little old anyway, but now I have no way to get home. I left my cash at my dorm, and my check from work wouldn't work very good.

"Looks like I'm walking." I mumbled. I walked over to the rusty old dumpsters, and through my phone in it. Looks like I won't be needing that anymore. Then, with three miles a head of me, I started to walk home.


I was now running through the woods. He was on my tale, about to catch me any second. I wasn't going to let him touch me ever again. So when I got the call that he escaped prison, I know he would be targeting me, his son first, then Aero. I had to protect her.

Touching me was one thing, but I never let him touch her the same way he did to me. The Ivory like trees seemed to never end, until I tripped over a root. I turned over on the ground to see him staring down at me.

"You didn't think you were getting off that easy." He then took out a gun, and continued. "I told you you wouldn't escape, and I would find you, and ruin your life." I then saw the barrel of a gun, and him pull the trigger. I woke up dripping in sweat, and Lila sat up with me. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"I don't really care anymore. Lila and Lilly are the most important things in my life now, with all feeling left out." I told Dr.Freeman as I shook his hand. "So you haven't Been having nightmares lately?" He asked letting go. I looked down and lied.

"Nope. None whatsoever." I then walked out of his office, and put my jacket on. I then got to my car, and heard the engine roar, arm sat there for a minute. My last night dream was bad, that I accidentally woke Lila up and had to lie to her too.

I told her it was just really hot, I mean it is summer. I Then drove into the parking lot of Lila's dorm. I opened the door, and placed the car keys on the old pastel covered granite counter top. I looked around to not see anyone. I then saw a piece of paper, with the worst words. It read:
If you want your beloveds back, read this not you found on the counter. Meet me here, 23 West coast street. Tick tock.
Love your daddy.
I stood there in shock, then realised I found it on the floor, not the counter. Someone found it first. But who?
"Put my baby down!" I yelled at the strange man. All he did was chuckle at me. I see to him seeing a girl tied up and yelling is so funny. Lilly then let out a slight cry, which made a tear slide Down my face.

"Give her to me!" I snapped again, but all he said was, "Shh it's okay little one, grandpas her now."
He's not my Dad... Which means.. This is Parkers dad.

"Mr. Jones, this is not how I pictured meeting you, actually I didn't want to meet you at all after what you did to Parker." He laughed again, rocking Lily back and forth.

"You mean the lies he made up?" He said in a baby voice looking still at the baby. "Lies? If anyone lies, it you you creep." I say, and I see him put Lily in an old crib that didn't look very stable.

He then came over to me and grazed his recently shaved bears with his hand, and then Back handed my cheek.

"Don't talk to me like that little girl. This is all your fault. I Hate you, your the one who got pregnant with my grandchild, which now is going to make me a lot of money once I sell it." I heard the worlds, but I could nearly interpret them. More tears began to fall, for one he threatens my baby, and the burning feeling on my cheek, which felt like it was going to leave a bruise.

Then, the door open, and the person I saw, I didn't expect to see. "Okay Aero I got your text, but why do you want me to pick you up at an old wear house?" Ben asked as he shut the fire behind him. "Lila?" He asked looking at me tied up. "So glad you could join us Benjamin." Parkers dad said.

I was so confused, but I recognised that voice right away. I Turned back to the door, and tried to pry it open, but it didn't budge. I once again turned to face them again. This time, I saw his face.

"Once I heard you survived, I needed proof for myself, and here it is. How did you manage to survive!" He yelled.

He then walked over to a table, and picked up a gun. He cocked it and pointed it at me. "Sit." he pointed at a Empty chair across from Lila. I slowly walked over and sat down.Still with the gun pointed at me, he managed to tie my hands and legs to the chair.

"Ah, my two least favourite people sitting in the same room. Lila, dating my son, and Benjamin, dating my daughter." "Your Aeros father?" I asked putting the pieces together.

I looked over to see Lila with a look of Shock, and a red mark on her face. I Looked the other way, to see a baby lying in an old crib. "Lily?" I mouthed over to Lila, when The guy turned and was looking through a bag. She shook her head in return, and the guy turned around with a knife in his hand, and gun in pocket.

He Then came over to me, and pushed my chair all the way next to Lila's. He then took the blade and went next to Lila. He rose the blade and put it, and ran it down her face, making blood visible. "Wait stop!" I yelled before he did anything else. People, especially girls, should not be treated this way.

"Would you look at that? He want to go first!" He chuckled and came over to me. "No!" She cried out.

"Its to late, he made his choice." He said. Worst day to wear short sleeves. He took the knife, and started cutting into my arm. I grumbled in plain, When the door slammed open, and we all looked up. Parker stood in the door way.

"My boy! Your all groan up!" Jones yelled. "I'm not your boy, Joe" he said looking at Lila. "First name basis? Fine." Joe said as he grabbed his gun.

Parker put his hand up, and Joe added, "Go in the closet, and grab to chairs right now." then He pointed the gun at Lila. Parker went over to the wooden door slowly, and opened it and grabbed to chairs. "What else?" He sputtered at his Father.

"Put them across form these two, next to each other. He did as he said, and then sat in one. Joe went over and tied him up. "Why two chairs?" Parker asked curiously. "I have a feeling someone else will be joining us soon." Jo chuckled.


After 2 miles, I realised I was lost. I was about to give up hope, because I was tired. I was about to turn around, when I saw a light not to far ahead. Maybe someone could help me, so I walked towards the light. I was walking, when everything went dark.

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