Chapter 15: for the first time

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"That was an interesting movie." I told Ben as he turned it off. "What, you have a problem with Gremlins?" He asked sarcastically. I laughed a little, and he sat back down next to me.

"It's getting late." I said looking at the time. "I don't want to disturb you and your father." I added. "Actually my fathers not even in this country... He's away on business." he told me.

"Oh." I replied. "So you can stay if you want." Ben said. "Maybe I will." I smiled. The whole house to our selfs, not having to worry about anyone or anything.

It got us thinking, there's probably not going to be another chance after this, so we made the big decision, that this was the night.


"Mom! Dad!" I argued. They were not very happy about this whole baby thing. "Tell me you adopted her!" My dad demanded.

"But then that would be lying." I pointed out for him. "You got our daughter pregnant and you didn't have the curtesy to even tell us!" My dad snapped.

"It wasn't his decision." I told him. "Why didn't you tell us honey?" My mom asked.

"I knew you would react like this!" I told her. My dad began to tell again, but my mom cut in. "What's done is done.

We can't change it with all this arguing, now bring her inside before she catches a cold!" My mom settled for us all, making her piece with it, while my dad was adjusting.


I opened my eyes to see that Ben wasn't next to me. I sat up and look around, but he wasn't in the room. I threw on a shirt and shorts and went into the living room.

I looked out the window to his back yard, to see him, swimming in his pool. it made me smile a bit. I put my hair in a quick bun, and I went to the attic. I looked around a bit, like an old snoop, till I found what I was looking for.

After changing, I ran out and made a cannonball into pool. I came up for air to see him laughing. "Nice for you to join me." he chuckled. "I hope you don't mind, but I borrowed one of your moms old bathing suit." I smiled.

"Eh they were collecting dust anyways." he smiled back. And then, he made a big mistake. He cupped water in his hand, and splashed my face with it. I screamed, and yelled "Oh it's on!" I laughed soaking him in more water.

He then went under water. I was wondering what he was doing, but realized when my feet were swept out from underneath me. I rose up from underneath the water and was gonna dunk him, but he wasn't there. I looked around the pool, and he wasn't in it.

I looked to see foot prints leading into the house. I smiled, and jumped out of the pool to follow them. They lead into his room, but I stood there starring at his bed, and couldn't find him.

So I walked into the hallway yelling, "Oh Ben! Come out come out where ever you are!" I continued to look through out the rooms. I literally searched the whole house, and didn't find him.

I then turned serious. "Ben! seriously this isn't funny." I yelled throughout the house. I just seem to get air speaking to me swiftly.

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