Chapter 21: Finding all the pain

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"Isn't there anything they can do? Like maybe give him some type of medicine?" I asked while Parker parked the car.

"Maybe if we hit him over the head with a baseball bat he'll remember something."

Ben got out of the car faster then both Parker and I after Parker made that comment.

"What's going on?"
Ben was pointing at the police cars.
What happened here?

There's an ambulance, police cars, and a fire truck!
All their sirens at different pitches at different times, pierced Ben's ears.

I could tell because he threw his hands to his head and covered his ears.

"This isn't helping my head!" He screamed making me jump.
"Stop screaming!" I screamed at him.

"May I help you?" A police officer walked up to us.
"What's going on here?" I asked pointing to our building.
"There was a crime committed here. Homicide."

Oh my goodness! Is he serious?
"What's the dorm number?" Parker asked starting to walk forward. The cop chased him up the steps, I couldn't hear what he was saying.
"WHO WAS EATING FLIES?" Ben screamed still covering his ears.


"Number 48. Sir, I need you to back up."
"Don't tell me to back up!" I ran as fast I could up the 5 flights of stairs I had to go up. I wasn't wasting my time on the elevator.

As soon as I saw the tape on the walls of the hallway, I could feel myself start to shake.
I slowed down, and stopped In front of door.
I touched the metal sign that said 48.

I reached for the door knob, and slowly pushed the door open.
I looked in the living room, everything seemed in order.
I saw the bedroom door cracked open, and I could see her long brown hair lying on the floor. I opened the door until I could see her whole body, and Lily next to her.
"N-n-n-" I couldn't even finish the word. I fell to my knees. I broke down. I've never felt pain like this. It hurt so much emotionally, it even began to hurt is Physically.

I watched as Mrs. and Mr. Mason lead the group away. But I grabbed Ben's arm, indicating I wanted to stay.
I wiped the tears off my face and said, "I can't believe he didn't show up! After everything I really thought he would come."
I buried my head into Ben's chest, and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I'm sorry for your- um our loss." He tried comforting me.

"She can't really be gone. She can't! I came back Just two weeks ago! Maybe it would all be different if I had never left!" I cried.
"Shhh. Don't say that, you can't blame yourself it's gonna-" I cut him off.

"No! It is! I know who did this! It was my father! You don't know that? Why would you! You don't remember anything! My whole god damn world is crashing down before me! I have no one to talk to about it! I can't talk to my brother, because he's a jack ass! I can't talk to you because- well- well because you don't know anything! I can't talk to my best friend because she's dead!" I lost it. I couldn't stand anymore. My legs went numb, and I began to fall, but he caught me.

He held me, and I hugged him, and I could let go. I don't think I'll ever be able to let go.

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