Chapter 20: An awful Plan

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I'm a terrible person. I wasn't there when Ben woke up! What kind of girlfriend am I? Am I even his girlfriend? Who knows. I guess I'll find out in about 1 minute.

Parkers car parked on the side of the street, and I waited at a table closest to the window.
Why is Parker being voluntarily nice all the sudden? I don't remember him being Ben's biggest fan.
Somethings up.

Parker told Ben something before letting him walk into the restaurant. He showed him something in his phone, and then got back in his car.

Ben looked around for me awkwardly, well, more awkward then normal.


It's sounded like more of a question then a greeting.
I jumped out of my seat and hugged him.

"I'm so glad you're awake. And about going to Paris-" he interrupted me.

"It's okay... I- understand." He stumbled out.
Maybe I just wasn't used to hearing speak, I mean it has been a couple months.

We sat down at the table, and a waiter came over.
"What are we having this evening?" The waiter clicked his pen open.

"May I please Spaghetti with extra cheese?" I asked setting my menu down.

I looked at Ben, who was still Holding  up his menu.
"Can I have the stake?"

"Sure. I'll bring you your food in a bit."

He walked away.

After a while of waiting, and awkward silence, our food was done.

I looked at Ben, who grabbed the pepper shaker, and starting sprinkling it on his stake.

Is there something wrong with him?


"You're funny." I chuckled a little sipping my water.
"Why?" He smiled and laughed too.

Maybe he's not hungry? Because if I remember correctly he's allergic to Pepper.

I figured I'd just go along with whatever he was doing.

Hey, he might get something else now, and just... Wasn't feeling stake. He has been eating food through a tube, so he practically hasn't actually eaten real food for two months.

That's probably it.

But then I saw him start cutting a piece off with his fork and knife, and he was about to put it in his mouth. He was actually going to eat it!

"Ben!" I screamed hitting the fork out of his hand.
The look of shock on his face, really confused me.

Ben looked me dead in the eyes and asked, "What's...wrong Amy?"

I didn't know what to say.

Did he just call me Amy? What the hell is wrong with him!

"Amy?" I crossed my arms.

"I thought my name was Ben?" He seemed almost confused as I was.

"What do you mean, you thought?" I stood up and pushed my chair back.

He put his hands to his head and sighed.

"Ben, what is wrong with you today!"

He yawned and said, "I'm starting to get a headache."

He rubbed his forehead then looked up at me.
I then heard the bells on the door ring, and it was Parker.

"Dude! You're allergic to Pepper! I guess it's time to fess up because... My plan sucked." Parker rushed over.

"Someone please explain to me what's going on!"
I couldn't take any of this crap anymore.

"So.. Ben has memory loss and doesn't know who he is or anyone else because of the coma trauma."

Parker started explaining everything to me.


"Lily, please stop crying!" I rocked her back and forth, but it didn't help.

I've tried changing her, feeding her, I tried almost everything. Nothing was working.

I heard a knock on the door, so I sat Lila in her playpen.

I rushed to the door because the person kept pounding their fist against the wood.

"I'm coming!" I screamed trying to make them shut up.

"Hel-" I started as I opened the door, but stopped when I saw who it was.

It was Parker and Aero's dad, holding a gun.

"You scream, I'll shoot you, then the baby." He said, making his way inside, shutting the door behind him.

"What- do- do- you want?" My voice began to crack from the amount of fear I was feeling.

"It's over. I've destroyed you. You might as well give up!" He smiled.

I wanted to call for help, but I could only whisper.
"What do you- you mean?"

He pointed the gun towards the couch, so I sat down.
"Their dead. Their all dead. Ben. Aero. Parker. I killed them all!" He gloated.

The words burnt into my head like a branding.
"You- you- you-" he cut me off because I couldn't get the words out.

"Ben and Aero were sitting at his house, I first saw them through a window. I then let my self inside, and I shot Ben in the head to torture Aero.

Then, I shot her in the head. Least i could do for her, she's so screwed up anyways- or should I say was?"

He actually started to laugh, and I started to cry.

"I then, found Parker, outside in an alley of a local bar, and I tortured him. For all the pain he put me through, I repaid the favor. And then I stabbed him 87 times in the chest, and watched the light drain from his eyes."

I couldn't stop shaking. I felt like I was about to melt. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't.

"You're probably thinking I'm gonna kill you, but no, I'm not. I'm just gonna leave these here."

He pulled a knife from his pocket, and placed it with the gun on the table.

"I've had fun paying this game. I win. You loose. That's the rules."

He smirked at me, and then left me to drown in my sorrows.

I looked down at the table, where the knife and gun sat.

Finding the will to stand, I picked up the knife and gun.

I walked over the Lily's play pen.
I can't do it. We can't do it.
We can't make it with out them.

I picked up lily, and sat on the floor with her in my lap. I held her close, I don't won't her to suffer.
With one quick motion, I felt the blood touch my body.

I was still crying, and I just held her.
We were gonna be a family again.

Unlce Ben, Aunty Aero.

Parker, Lily, and me.


I raised the loaded gun to my head, and I squeezed my eyes shut, as I pulled the trigger.

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