Chapter 18: Change can be good

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I picked up the lid on the small trash next to the hospital bed, to throw the old, wrinkled dead flowers away. I brought new ones to put in the jar, where the old ones had sat, just waiting to die.

Flowers can be like people, they spend there whole life in water just to die without any. It became a daily routine for weeks and weeks visiting Ben at the hospital.

People kept asking, "Is it worth it?"

To me it is worth it. The doctor always told me, "You can go home. I'll call you if anything changes." but I don't care. I can't just leave him here! All alone!
I heard my phone buzz so I answered it. "Hello?" I spoke.

I heard, "Hi is this Aero Carlton?"

"This is she." I answered.

"Well congratulations! You won the trizzle contest!" I totally forgot I even entered myself into it two years ago.

"Um thank you!" Was all I said.

"So all your traveling expenses will be paid for-" I cut the woman off.

"Wait, travel expenses?" I asked.

"Yes of course, the convention is in Paris, France." my mouth fell open. Two years ago I enter my paper on science, I didn't actually think I would win!

"When do I need to leave?" I asked.

"July 14th." that was just two days away.

"So will we be seeing you?" I looked over at Ben, and into the phone I said, "Yes you will." I then hung up and held the phone close.

I touched Ben's arm and whispered, "I'll come back for you." and walked out as tears fell from my eyes, wondering if j made the right chose.



"It's been weird without Aero here." Lila said as she curled up to me. We had been watching a movie on the couch, and it had just ended.

"Eh I haven't noticed." I joked earning a punch from Lila.

"I'm serious! Ever sense she left last month, it hasn't been the same." She complained.

"Not like we saw her that much anyways. She was always with Coma boy." I earned another hit for that. "What its not like he'll know I said it!"

"It doesn't matter." She insisted. "Fine." I agreed to end the discussion. Then her phone started to ring.
"Hello?" She said.

Then she shot up off the couch.

"What?" I whispered.

"If I see him I'll tell you." She said before hanging up the call.

"What is it!" I asked again.

"Ben woke up."

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