Chapter five: Thearpy with Freeman

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I woke up everyday for a three weeks without going to school. I just wasn't ready to go back. I did all my school work and my grades were high honors still. I got a call from Plaza pizza saying I could start work in the summer. It sounds like a while away, but Summer has already begun.

I'm going to miss school, but I love summer. Lila was starting to gain weight, which terrified her. Every day before bed, she hoped onto the scale and checked. Lila and Parker has been on ten dates so far. I'm starting to realize that Parker is being serious with Lila.

Terns out all you have to do is say Parkers a father and he will take responsibility. He still hates Ben, and Bens kinda scared of him, but hey, I like him. Doesn't that count for something? Bens really nice. He's come over everyone I ask him to so I'm not alone. I'm waiting for him to ask me out, which I think he's close to. I don't know if he know I like him, but I know he likes me, it's kinda of obvious.

After I got dressed, I revived a text from Lila. She told me to meet her down stairs. I was confused on why she didn't just come up and get me, but I went down anyways. I opened the car door and got in.

"Do you need something Lila?" I asked looking up at her. "Yes buckle up we are going somewhere. it's a surprise. I decided not to argue so I shut my door and buckled my seatbelt.

I then decided to just shut my eyes until we got to where ever she was taking me. I felt the car urge to a stop, and I opened my eyes. I looked up at a grey building. It looked very familiar, but I couldn't remember why.

"Where are we?" I asked as we got out of the car. "I told you it's a.. surprise!" She replied back. We walked inside, to see a women sitting at the front desk. As a man entered the room, I remembered where I was.

"Why did you bring me here?" I whispered to Lila. "You need to stay for at least one therapy session." She whispered back. I could tell she knew I knew where we were.

Before I could deny, the man came to greet us.

"Aero, Lovely to see you." He greeted us.

"Dr.freemen we meet again." I fake a smile. Lila looks at us both weird.

Then she leans over and whispers "How do you know him?" "Right this way Aero." Dr.Freeman said walking away.

I decided to follow him instead of telling Lila how I know the Dr. We got to his room then sat down. "So I heard about what happened. Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. I then looked down at the floor.

"Nope I'm good." I say back. I don't mean to be rude, it kinda just happens. "Well I bet you that this probably stirred up some old memories. Let's talk about them." he began.

I was waiting patiently in the waiting room. Why didn't Aero tell me how she knows him? There is definitely some big secret I don't know about. I then hear the door open so I look up. But who I see walk in, makes me wonder.

"Parker?" I say out loud. he turned his head and he sighed. "Lila what are you doing here?" He asked avoiding my eyes.

"Waiting for Aero. What the heck are you doing here?" I asked. He then turned around and told the desk lady something.

He then walked over to me and sat down. "How are you today? How about the baby?" He asked me avoiding the question.

"Continue Aero." dr.Freeman told me. "Well I've always felt guilty for what happened to Parker, like some how it was my fault." I said looking away.

dr freeman began. "It's not your fault. You had to go through it too. He was your father. There wasn't a lot you could do." He tried to smile, but it's his job.

"So remember that your father touched Parker in ways that a child should never be touched. Did you know there is a. 29% chance of sexual activity between parents and their kids? See he just happened to be in that percentage."

Yes freeman, that makes me so much happier.

"Would you look at that? Times up. See You." I said as I left the room. I walked into the waiting room to see Parker hugging Lila. Lila was crying a little. I'm guessing he told her what happened. Lila noticed me and came over and hugged me.

Then Parker kissed Lila and went into Freeman's office. When Lila and I got back to our dorm, we didn't talk much. I'm guessing She didn't really know what to say. I then looked at my phone and it was 5:00. It was time for work. When I got to Plaza pizza, I punched in my work number, and went out back.

I saw a familiar face at the cash register. It was Ben. He turned his head and saw me, and smiled. I smiled back. I was a waitress at the restaurant, which isn't that hard to do. Take orders, bring them their food, and get paid. Simple.

It was finally 9:00, time for closing. At this point, it was only Ben and i. They still need another waitress, so there's not a lot of people here anyways. I was washing my last table when Ben came out. I didn't notice that he was coming up behind me, so when he tapped my shoulder, it scared me.

I jumped and screamed, and then turned around and saw it was only Ben.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Ben apologized. "That's okay, it's my fault I wasn't paying attention." I said in return.

I grabbed the cloth and went out back, Ben followed. "So what's up?" I asked Ben finally. He looked away, and then said "I have a... Uh question for um.. You."

I looked up and and asked "And I might have and answer." I smiled at him. "I was wondering if maybe sometime you would want to...." he paused. He moved his eyes in the opposite direction they were looking before. I finally decided to say something.

"If I would want to...?" "If maybe you would want to go out sometime? You don't have say yes, specially if you just feel bad, you know what? Just forget I said anything-" I cut him off.

"I would like that." I smiled again. "Oh yeah that's okay I understand- wait did you say yes?" He asked with a shocked face. I walked to get many backpack I brought and turned around and looked at him.

"Yes I did." I said. "How about tomorrow night?" He asked. "Sure. see you then" I replied as I walked out the door.

When I got to the dorm, Lila was sitting on the couch watching tv. "Hey." I said as I walked in. "How was work with your boyfriend!" She said as I sat down next to her.

I rolled my eyes and replied "He is not my boyfriend.... Yet." She turned her head and widened her eyes. "oooh somebody's getting a boyfriend." She sarcastically said. "So how was the rest of your day?" I asked.

She looked back at the tv. "I decided maybe I should go to the doctors to get things checked out, so i did." She said. "That's good." I said trying to sound nice. "Yeah.." She seemed to whispered. I stood up and decided to take a shower, i mean I did just spend a few hours at a restaurant.

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